Nick wroteCOLONMy opinion is that there are a lot of assistant GMs currently posting in trade blocks. If a player is out there for good value, said GM should inquire on their own behalf and put their money where their mouth is. Not going to say anything corny like, " I've heard it from other GMs who I will not name" or " I've been talking about it for a while" - just clean and simple, it's good practice to follow your own advice.
Cannot wait for hockey to start, there will be a whack of trades happening as soon as pre-season starts

So much new information!!!
interesting thought, but I disagree
i find your logic are little out in left field, but i'm sure some will agree with you.
and if i quote "put their money where their mouth is" - i think Shiv and billy have, they've made solid offers, i said (and a few others have said they'd either take it or leave it) happens in all trade blocks.
I also have a hard time trying to figure out your logic and value on Grabo, you think kulemin is worth Grabo ++++ but you dont like Grabo + for ROR or Grabo for Nino, when i'd deal neither ROR OR Nino for Kulemin.
just my 2 cents.