- Florida Chris
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To Florida
Alex Chaisson
Linden Vey
Martin Frk
Mitch Moroz
Marian Gaborik
Brett Connolly
Ben Chairiot
Alex Chaisson
Linden Vey
Martin Frk
Mitch Moroz
Marian Gaborik
Brett Connolly
Ben Chairiot
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- The BBKL Insider
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- LocationCOLON San Juan, Puerto Rico
- The BBKL Insider
- PostsCOLON 22628
- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 8:46 pm
- LocationCOLON San Juan, Puerto Rico
Chris' deals are often frustrating for me cause I don't even know if I have ever managed to get a deal done with him, yet he often give very good deals to others.
In this case he got probably raped.
In this case he got probably raped.
- Florida Chris
- PostsCOLON 2589
- JoinedCOLON Tue May 04, 2010 7:06 am
kyuss wroteCOLONChris' deals are often frustrating for me cause I don't even know if I have ever managed to get a deal done with him, yet he often give very good deals to others.
In this case he got probably raped.
I think this may be the only trade we made...
To Nashville
Ales Hemsky
To Florida
Steve Mason
2013 2nd rounder (CAR)
2013 2nd rounder (NYR)
Jyrki Jokipakka
- The BBKL Insider
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- LocationCOLON San Juan, Puerto Rico
lol, paul and matt both think i lost this deal, so it's probably fairly close to a fair deal

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Like it
which only confirms what I was saying...Florida Chris wroteCOLONkyuss wroteCOLONChris' deals are often frustrating for me cause I don't even know if I have ever managed to get a deal done with him, yet he often give very good deals to others.
In this case he got probably raped.
I think this may be the only trade we made...

to be able to make a trade with you I ended up getting destroyed.
Chris is one of the fairest guys in the league when it comes to trading. Every deal i have made with him has been even steven. Except maybe Vrbata for Samuelsson...ughh....
i'm not saying he isn't, just never happened with me for whatever reason
- Arian The Insider
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Everyone has different experiences with different GMs. For example Mik tends to get picked on but he's sent me nothing but fair/respectable deals for a while now.
Jesus, considering our deals you're like one of the last ones that can call me rapistkimmer wroteCOLONLol no
Hes still rapist
- Florida Chris
- PostsCOLON 2589
- JoinedCOLON Tue May 04, 2010 7:06 am
kyuss wroteCOLONi'm not saying he isn't, just never happened with me for whatever reason
Not sure what you are talking about Kyuss...Not going to argue with you about this, as I have always enjoyed talking trade with you as I do almost everybody. I am very familiar with most NHL players, and know my BBKL team inside out. I have turned down plenty of trades where I know I won the deal, and have accepted plenty in which I know I have lost.
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- The BBKL Insider
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- LocationCOLON San Juan, Puerto Rico
i wouldn't have made a public offer to mik if he was as bad as he use to be. I can tell when when i was checking over the 30 teams (looking for similar stat dmen who made roughly 1mil) i skipped over at least 3-5 teams because i can't stand to deal with those guys.

- LeanMachine
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