Milan Lucic
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Milan Lucic
if you've ever had interest now is the time.
please just post below that you have interest, i can only make so much work with cap and contracts, i'll be sure to PM you an offer or response.
please just post below that you have interest, i can only make so much work with cap and contracts, i'll be sure to PM you an offer or response.

Re: Milan Lucic
Cap isn't a concern.
Cap isn't a concern.
- The BBKL Insider
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Re: Milan Lucic
yes, but your value concerns me.Lee wroteCOLONInterested.
Cap isn't a concern.

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Re: Milan Lucic
I never said Johnson for Lucic straight.
Re: Milan Lucic
Might be interested
- Robin Hood
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Re: Milan Lucic
Stop pointing out the rape that occured yesterday!SuperMario wroteCOLONLolNick wroteCOLONye I have interest.

- The BBKL Insider
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Re: Milan Lucic
Haven't offered him in a while ... feels good man
Re: Milan Lucic
o'reilly for lucic boom hockey trade
- The BBKL Insider
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Re: Milan Lucic
talk to thomanton wroteCOLONo'reilly for lucic boom hockey trade
i already traded him for a 'little' return

Re: Milan Lucic
Re: Milan Lucic
No pk or fsceoffs is my guess plus cap savings like u said