Joe Pavelski
- Robin Hood
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- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 5:09 pm
- Robin Hood
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- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 5:09 pm
- Robin Hood
- PostsCOLON 13589
- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 5:09 pm
Re: Joe Pavelski
Don't like Yakupov, that's why Nick. Have no faith in that Russian so can't have him be the center piece of a deal involving Pavelski. Also, I don't consider Belov solified enough to be the second piece. You deserve an explanation as that offer was decent 

Re: Joe Pavelski
I think I have a 6th
I think I have a 6th
- Arian The Insider
- PostsCOLON 7304
- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 7:05 pm
Re: Joe Pavelski
adam hall, + halischuk + NYR 1st
shtoi galore + a first
shtoi galore + a first
- The BBKL Insider
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- Robin Hood
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Re: Joe Pavelski
Lol so much trash in this thread. Thanks for stepping up with something legit, Nick.

Re: Joe Pavelski
if i had the depth id be all over this
Re: Joe Pavelski
Hey, you watch you tongue!SuperMario wroteCOLONLol so much trash in this thread. Thanks for stepping up with something legit, Nick.
I mean… bound to happen eventually ? naa…
there's a saying for this situation.
- The BBKL Insider
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- LocationCOLON San Juan, Puerto Rico
Re: Joe Pavelski
tempting, too bad I don't have the depth
- Robin Hood
- PostsCOLON 13589
- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 5:09 pm
Re: Joe Pavelski
Kessel + Seidenberg for Pavelski + Brunner would do itthom54 wroteCOLONtempting, too bad I don't have the depth

Re: Joe Pavelski
Do you need a mop to clean up after that wet dream?SuperMario wroteCOLONKessel + Seidenberg for Pavelski + Brunner would do itthom54 wroteCOLONtempting, too bad I don't have the depth

- Robin Hood
- PostsCOLON 13589
- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 5:09 pm
Re: Joe Pavelski
hahathom54 wroteCOLONDo you need a mop to clean up after that wet dream?SuperMario wroteCOLONKessel + Seidenberg for Pavelski + Brunner would do itthom54 wroteCOLONtempting, too bad I don't have the depth

Re: Joe Pavelski
He was never sent down. Just a dec 5th loan and returned from loan the next day (dec 6th); believe it was an active body situation.Fair Deals Steve wroteCOLONis Belov still in the ahl?