Brad Richards may be traded before roster lock..

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Re: Brad Richards may be traded before roster lock..

Post by The BBKL Insider »

kimmer wroteCOLON
shooker wroteCOLON
kimmer wroteCOLONDude.. Its like nobody smokes anymore
Ive been smoking cigs full time (at least 8-10 cigs a day) since the age of 17 and smoke at least one joint a day. I can still play hockey and baseball. So im gud
Did it make your "cigarette" go limp like the pictures on the package? That's probably my biggest fear before I'd ever tried them.
No dude my "cigar" is like naturally bent forward so it does look like that but i dont have erectile dysfunction so its normal. Some ppls penises curve all sorts of different way

Steve, shut the fu"k up. Richard park is one of the most dominant checking line centres of the last decade
Park was awful LOL
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Re: Brad Richards may be traded before roster lock..

Post by Mike »

KapG wroteCOLON
Mike wroteCOLON
kimmer wroteCOLONDude.. Its like nobody smokes anymore
Ive been smoking cigs full time (at least 8-10 cigs a day) since the age of 17 and smoke at least one joint a day. I can still play hockey and baseball. So im gud
I was similar. Quit 13 months ago with the help of ecigarettes, haven't bought a pack since.
Do you smoke ecigs still?

I smoke about 6-8 on a work day.

Once upon a time more. Never a pack a day or anything like that though. Id like to stop soon...will just go cold turkey i think. Ive done it before. Its touth at work though
Yah, still on ecigs, but almost no nicotine any more. I started of at 3.6 % (of the juice being nicotine) and now I'm down to 0.6 %. I don't bring it to work or anything but I really enjoy having it at home (this from a guy who never smoked inside).

My good friend was pack a day for 10 years until I got him on ecigs a month or two ago. He's stopped (real) smoking completely already. Another friend got started last week and she's cut down about 2/3rds of her consumption already.

They work so damn well as long as you stay away from the crap they sell at gas stations.
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Re: Brad Richards may be traded before roster lock..

Post by thom54 »

Yea I'd say don't smoke cigarettes. Quite ASAP; not to be a debby downer but... that shit is scary. Fucks EVERY system of your body up.
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Re: Brad Richards may be traded before roster lock..

Post by Arian The Insider »

i will never smoke cigarettes that shit is nasty

weed on very rare ocassions since after grade 11, shisha a few times.

a celebratory cigar is harmless but i'm 19 and have nothing to celebrate lol.
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Re: Brad Richards may be traded before roster lock..

Post by The BBKL Insider »

i like Cigars a few times per year.
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Re: Brad Richards may be traded before roster lock..

Post by kimmer »

Arian wroteCOLONi will never smoke cigarettes that shit is nasty

weed on very rare ocassions since after grade 11, shisha a few times.

a celebratory cigar isn't harmless but i'm 19 and have nothing to celebrate lol.
1) you mean a celebratory cigar IS harmless or isn't HARMFUL
2) ur fuckin weak bro
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Re: Brad Richards may be traded before roster lock..

Post by Arian The Insider »

kimmer wroteCOLON
Arian wroteCOLONi will never smoke cigarettes that shit is nasty

weed on very rare ocassions since after grade 11, shisha a few times.

a celebratory cigar isn't harmless but i'm 19 and have nothing to celebrate lol.
1) you mean a celebratory cigar IS harmless or isn't HARMFUL
2) ur fuckin weak bro
i meant is harmless and nah man i stopped weed after i started drinking.. way fucking better.
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Re: Brad Richards may be traded before roster lock..

Post by Shep »

After a week-long binge of heroin and methamphetamine, I'm off everything other than the occasional drink.
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Re: Brad Richards may be traded before roster lock..

Post by KapG »

Mike wroteCOLON
KapG wroteCOLON
Mike wroteCOLON
kimmer wroteCOLONDude.. Its like nobody smokes anymore
Ive been smoking cigs full time (at least 8-10 cigs a day) since the age of 17 and smoke at least one joint a day. I can still play hockey and baseball. So im gud
I was similar. Quit 13 months ago with the help of ecigarettes, haven't bought a pack since.
Do you smoke ecigs still?

I smoke about 6-8 on a work day.

Once upon a time more. Never a pack a day or anything like that though. Id like to stop soon...will just go cold turkey i think. Ive done it before. Its touth at work though
Yah, still on ecigs, but almost no nicotine any more. I started of at 3.6 % (of the juice being nicotine) and now I'm down to 0.6 %. I don't bring it to work or anything but I really enjoy having it at home (this from a guy who never smoked inside).

My good friend was pack a day for 10 years until I got him on ecigs a month or two ago. He's stopped (real) smoking completely already. Another friend got started last week and she's cut down about 2/3rds of her consumption already.

They work so damn well as long as you stay away from the crap they sell at gas stations.
Hmm how much do they last/cost?
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Re: Brad Richards may be traded before roster lock..

Post by Mike »

redundant starter kid (2 batteries + 2 tanks + 2 chargers) = $20 on HK websites.

juice at a cheap vendor = 30ml for $10-15 bucks.

That should last for a month or so. another 15 bucks a month for a juice re-up, 5 bucks for a couple more tanks (to be simplistic about it they get gunked up and are consumables).

That's low end, and absolutely satisfactory if you want to stop there. I've upgraded my stuff a bunch but that's a whole nother story. If you'd like some help I'd gladly lend a hand.
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Re: Brad Richards may be traded before roster lock..

Post by KapG »

Mike wroteCOLONredundant starter kid (2 batteries + 2 tanks + 2 chargers) = $20 on HK websites.

juice at a cheap vendor = 30ml for $10-15 bucks.

That should last for a month or so. another 15 bucks a month for a juice re-up, 5 bucks for a couple more tanks (to be simplistic about it they get gunked up and are consumables).

That's low end, and absolutely satisfactory if you want to stop there. I've upgraded my stuff a bunch but that's a whole nother story. If you'd like some help I'd gladly lend a hand.
Yah its getting to that point lol, especiallg since i do smoke a lot of grass. When i decide its time i will most certainly be sending you a msg.
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Re: Brad Richards may be traded before roster lock..

Post by kimmer »

Lol best trade block of the yr
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Re: Brad Richards may be traded before roster lock..

Post by shooker »

I had a pretty good laugh at this as well.
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Re: Brad Richards may be traded before roster lock..

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Mik only deserves the best
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Re: Brad Richards may be traded before roster lock..

Post by Peter »

I just know that if I get quite stoned every night for a week, my week is pretty much untainted. If I get pretty drunk 3-4x in a week, it will be a disaster. Also, weed cures hangovers. Im definitely on team pot, but I enjoy a good dose of either time to time. Stay away from those methamphetamines though, even mdma is terrible for you.
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Re: Brad Richards may be traded before roster lock..

Post by CAM »

Holy fuck, i had to stop reading this thread. If you knew what i did at my age i be kicked out of the league. Oh and i don't drink more than 4 beer a week. People that hammer on drugs yet drink 12, are not very informed about alcohol. I think id like to hang out with other Kyle. We could do everything we could get our hands on and have a great time. When you live in the woods half the time and want to get away from family, the butterflies and birds just dont cut it. Need to be smashed to make the adventure complete.
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Re: Brad Richards may be traded before roster lock..

Post by bma »

CAM wroteCOLONHoly fuck, i had to stop reading this thread. If you knew what i did at my age i be kicked out of the league. Oh and i don't drink more than 4 beer a week. People that hammer on drugs yet drink 12, are not very informed about alcohol. I think id like to hang out with other Kyle. We could do everything we could get our hands on and have a great time. When you live in the woods half the time and want to get away from family, the butterflies and birds just dont cut it. Need to be smashed to make the adventure complete.

Its true. Nothing is really worst for your body than alcohol, cigarettes, and NSAIDS(aspirin, tylenol etc.).
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Re: Brad Richards may be traded before roster lock..

Post by kimmer »

I only do cigarettes, so I'm safe
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Re: Brad Richards may be traded before roster lock..

Post by KapG »

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Re: Brad Richards may be traded before roster lock..

Post by Mike »

KapG wroteCOLONHahahaha
first lol for humourless ol me in this thread

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