Mikael Backlund
- Florida Chris
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Mikael Backlund
Been asked a lot about him. Just seeing what is out there.
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Re: Mikael Backlund
ya i'd post this, good offer from MattBruyns wroteCOLONInterested as well.
Berglund + 1st
Open to other ideas

- The BBKL Insider
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Re: Mikael Backlund
Berglund, theres a name that's fallen off the map.
- Florida Chris
- PostsCOLON 2589
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Re: Mikael Backlund
interested in that Berglund offer, however it would put me a few million over cap.
Re: Mikael Backlund
I can take some cap.
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Re: Mikael Backlund
I can also take some cap as well.
Re: Mikael Backlund
He's been overrated in our league for a couple years now. Has tons of talent just doesn't seem to be able to put it all togetherkimmer wroteCOLONHe sux
- Florida Chris
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Re: Mikael Backlund
At 1,500,000 I would say Backlund is actually a pretty good BBKL'er. The guy got 40pts, had over 600 FOW, decent hits, blocked shots, killed penalties, 3 shorties, 4 GWG...the guys a stud.
Re: Mikael Backlund
Lol we are talking about berglund bro not backlund
Re: Mikael Backlund
what exactly has backlund done to warrant this kind of attention
Re: Mikael Backlund
Look at stats bro. He was this close to being cut from cgy organization due to not being able to break out his first three seasons of his ELC (2010-2013) however somehow on his one yr extention upon his ELC expiry, has definitely stepped up his game (considering he did nothing before) and now even warrant taking a good look at in bbkl in terms of producing respectable stats for a centreman at a cheap cap hit cost, being blessed with top 6 minutes in CGY land.
No bbklers wud mind a 1.5m cap hit centreman producing roughly 40 pts/600fow/100 hits
No bbklers wud mind a 1.5m cap hit centreman producing roughly 40 pts/600fow/100 hits