offering all 7 2016 picks for 1 player
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offering all 7 2016 picks for 1 player
All 2016 for a good young player on an ELC.
All 2016 for a good young player on an ELC.

- Arian The Insider
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Re: offering all 7 2016 picks for 1 player
Turner Elson
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Re: offering all 7 2016 picks for 1 player
Two good offers above. Will wait out a few more bwfore making my decision

Re: offering all 7 2016 picks for 1 player
U will never be as elite as me
U will never be as elite as me
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Re: offering all 7 2016 picks for 1 player
Joakim Nordstrom -Blackhawks
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Re: offering all 7 2016 picks for 1 player
Maybe Jason Dickinson if you add a 1st 2015
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Re: offering all 7 2016 picks for 1 player
Hey mike. U wanna do this for barrie?Fraser wroteCOLONTyson Barrie errrrrrrr.... I mean Stefan Elliott

Re: offering all 7 2016 picks for 1 player
Just post Lipon you bitch.
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Re: offering all 7 2016 picks for 1 player
Lipon and Shalla? Done.
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