MTL - CGY Deal
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MTL - CGY Deal
Matt Read
Joe Morrow
Matt Carle
2015 4th Rounder (CGY)
Matt Read
Joe Morrow
Matt Carle
2015 4th Rounder (CGY)
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- Arian The Insider
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- The BBKL Insider
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- Arian The Insider
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Re: MTL - CGY Deal
sameThe BBKL Insider wroteCOLONI call scott smith on this one.
Re: MTL - CGY Deal
solid deal - i like in Josh's favour - but just by a little.
Re: MTL - CGY Deal
It's because chuck can afford a player like this at a high price. Really IRL carle is much better and a valuable player but like many around the league incl myself i wud never b able to overpay for someone like carle cuz h2h + bbkl value. But carle is ur solid 40+ pointer/20+ stpts season after season
Re: MTL - CGY Deal
I have Mathieu Carle, if you want someone to over pay for, Kimmer.
Re: MTL - CGY Deal
A 7th round would probably be over payment. It's all relative.
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Re: MTL - CGY Deal
Thanks Paul and that's exactly it. Josh will tell you I fought like crazy to keep Morrow but at the end of the day Carle was what I needed for my team and I was willing to pay to get it. People missed out on a very nice h2h block that I posted.kimmer wroteCOLONIt's because chuck can afford a player like this at a high price. Really IRL carle is much better and a valuable player but like many around the league incl myself i wud never b able to overpay for someone like carle cuz h2h + bbkl value. But carle is ur solid 40+ pointer/20+ stpts season after season
- The BBKL Insider
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Re: MTL - CGY Deal
yup, dmen and C's are the most important players to land IMO.
those are the 2 positions that get you the most cats.
I love read tho, so it's a fair deal, but becuase of it chuck is a better team.
those are the 2 positions that get you the most cats.
I love read tho, so it's a fair deal, but becuase of it chuck is a better team.

Re: MTL - CGY Deal
The difficulty with wingers is that it's hard to get ones who consistently put up a range of stats. Some really reliable scorers, some consistent grinders, very few who game in and game out score + grind. Best players in the world seems to be pushed to the Dot or the blueline. So finding that right fit with wingers is always a tough call.
Do you save cap on the wings and spend more at the Center dot? or do you double down on big dollar dmen? But the low cap wingers really bring a risk of 'not much' production. I know I wrestle with where to spend cap regularly.
Do you save cap on the wings and spend more at the Center dot? or do you double down on big dollar dmen? But the low cap wingers really bring a risk of 'not much' production. I know I wrestle with where to spend cap regularly.
- The BBKL Insider
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Re: MTL - CGY Deal
wingers can be incredibly valuable, but the thing with wingers is how their coach uses them.Nick wroteCOLONThe difficulty with wingers is that it's hard to get ones who consistently put up a range of stats. Some really reliable scorers, some consistent grinders, very few who game in and game out score + grind. Best players in the world seems to be pushed to the Dot or the blueline. So finding that right fit with wingers is always a tough call.
Do you save cap on the wings and spend more at the Center dot? or do you double down on big dollar dmen? But the low cap wingers really bring a risk of 'not much' production. I know I wrestle with where to spend cap regularly.
look at Pommy, he's a 60 point player yearly, but now that he's in minny he no longer PKs, so he loses some of his trade value because of it.
wingers are always a risk, where C's will get your fows, constant similar points year-in and year-out. Dmen are like C's, only they usually get a lot of shtoi, bs, etc...
wingers are too much of a wildcard to invest in, IMO

Re: MTL - CGY Deal
Stupid iPhone... "You shut your WHORE mouth"
- The BBKL Insider
- PostsCOLON 22628
- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 8:46 pm
- LocationCOLON San Juan, Puerto Rico
Re: MTL - CGY Deal
I loldThe BBKL Insider wroteCOLONracistthom54 wroteCOLONYou shut your white mouth