Nobody has forgotten, you've made sure to remind us constantly.Lee wroteCOLONMaybe you've forgotten the part where I took over the worst team ever assembled. Takes time to build up from literally nothing.
Bryan Bickell
Re: Bryan Bickell
Inaugural GM
[STL] 2009 - 2016
[PHI] 2019 -
[STL] 2009 - 2016
[PHI] 2019 -
Re: Bryan Bickell
blues wroteCOLONNobody has forgotten, you've made sure to remind us constantly.Lee wroteCOLONMaybe you've forgotten the part where I took over the worst team ever assembled. Takes time to build up from literally nothing.

Re: Bryan Bickell
You'd expect anything else when it's constantly brought up as some sort of flaw against me? It's nothing but ignorance to point out that I've yet to make the playoffs while conveniently forgetting that my best assets when I took over were Logan Couture before he was anything special and Pavel Kubina in the twilight of his NHL career.blues wroteCOLONNobody has forgotten, you've made sure to remind us constantly.Lee wroteCOLONMaybe you've forgotten the part where I took over the worst team ever assembled. Takes time to build up from literally nothing.
Re: Bryan Bickell
Theres ur mistake. U mean u were unable to predict the outcome of a prospect like couture 3 yrs down the road?? U shud be kicked out of bbkl bro
Re: Bryan Bickell
Would probably be a blessing lol. Spend so much time on here... I might actually get some work done if that were to happen.kimmer wroteCOLONTheres ur mistake. U mean u were unable to predict the outcome of a prospect like couture 3 yrs down the road?? U shud be kicked out of bbkl bro
Re: Bryan Bickell
Using my 9000th post to tell Steve to go piss on a tumbleweed.
Re: Bryan Bickell
/golfclapLee wroteCOLONUsing my 9000th post to tell Steve to go piss on a tumbleweed.

- Arian The Insider
- PostsCOLON 7304
- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 7:05 pm
Re: Bryan Bickell
Ya lee has an excuse unlike the Edmonton gm
Re: Bryan Bickell
heard we were giving lee shit in this thread. am i too late?
Re: Bryan Bickell
Once BBKL starts accruing points in late April/May I'll make an offer.
Re: Bryan Bickell
BBKL..Mike wroteCOLONOnce BBKL starts accruing points in late April/May I'll make an offer.
Bryan... Bickell?
Re: Bryan Bickell
Never too late for something original.anton wroteCOLONheard we were giving lee shit in this thread. am i too late?
Re: Bryan Bickell
Mike wroteCOLONgood god
I know what you were going for.
Bryan Bickell clearly just runs this shit. The league is named after him.
Re: Bryan Bickell
I laughed way too hard.Lee wroteCOLONBBKL..Mike wroteCOLONOnce BBKL starts accruing points in late April/May I'll make an offer.
Bryan... Bickell?

- Arian The Insider
- PostsCOLON 7304
- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 7:05 pm
Re: Bryan Bickell
can someone make a bbkl logo with bickell's face on it?
Re: Bryan Bickell
yup.Arian The Insider wroteCOLONcan someone make a bbkl logo with bickell's face on it?