MTL - NYI Deal
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MTL - NYI Deal
Douglas Murray
Eric Locke
Austin Lotz
Douglas Murray
Eric Locke
Austin Lotz
- The BBKL Insider
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- Arian The Insider
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Re: MTL - NYI Deal
Not sure who the guys chuck got back are so I like it for Tony
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- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 7:17 pm
Re: MTL - NYI Deal
Locke is a 7th Rounder from last year in the mould of a Gallagher. One of the best shots in junior.
Lotz is an undrafted after goalie who I have big expectations for. Been after him from Tony for some time.
Have 0 faith that Murray has a job next year. If Francis Bouillon can keep you out of the lineup I think it's time to hang up your skates.
Lotz is an undrafted after goalie who I have big expectations for. Been after him from Tony for some time.
Have 0 faith that Murray has a job next year. If Francis Bouillon can keep you out of the lineup I think it's time to hang up your skates.
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Re: MTL - NYI Deal
Steve would say anything to get under my skin. Murray won't be in MTL but I think he lands somewhere. He's slow as molasses, but is a big body that gets in the way of shots. I'll be happy if he's a 6/7.
And yes, I know who Locke and Lotz are. Having a ton of assets allows me to make deals like this ...
And yes, I know who Locke and Lotz are. Having a ton of assets allows me to make deals like this ...
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Re: MTL - NYI Deal
Tony,Tony wroteCOLONSteve would say anything to get under my skin. Murray won't be in MTL but I think he lands somewhere. He's slow as molasses, but is a big body that gets in the way of shots. I'll be happy if he's a 6/7.
And yes, I know who Locke and Lotz are. Having a ton of assets allows me to make deals like this ...
so sad you think of me that way.

- PostsCOLON 4954
- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 7:17 pm
Re: MTL - NYI Deal
The prospect synopses were for the uneducated masses Tony 

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- Arian The Insider
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Re: MTL - NYI Deal
Ok did not know Murray is a bum now, nice deal guys
- The BBKL Insider
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Re: MTL - NYI Deal
probably going to sign with ModoArian The Insider wroteCOLONOk did not know Murray is a bum now, nice deal guys
my source is telling me anyways

- Arian The Insider
- PostsCOLON 7304
- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 7:05 pm
Re: MTL - NYI Deal
I haven't talked to mine in a few days, if he says anything about Murray I'll let you guys know