- Robin Hood
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- Arian The Insider
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- Arian The Insider
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- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 7:05 pm
answer my pm lolPeter wroteCOLONnice deal guYZ
- Robin Hood
- PostsCOLON 13589
- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 5:09 pm
Can someone please tell Arian he's retarded?!Arian wroteCOLONi got raped
I had to spend the last 24 hours trying to convince him to do this. I can't even willingly lose a deal.

- The BBKL Insider
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- Robin Hood
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- The BBKL Insider
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- LocationCOLON San Juan, Puerto Rico
someone run a comparison for me, i'm actually confused about 3 things:
1) why arian thought he was raped
2) why shiv would make the deal (unless it's for cap)
3) why shook didn't like it,,,maybe i'm missing something, but isn't vlasic having a career year or something?
1) why arian thought he was raped
2) why shiv would make the deal (unless it's for cap)
3) why shook didn't like it,,,maybe i'm missing something, but isn't vlasic having a career year or something?

- Robin Hood
- PostsCOLON 13589
- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 5:09 pm
Why Shook didn't like it doesn't make any sense.Fair Deals Steve wroteCOLONsomeone run a comparison for me, i'm actually confused about 3 things:
1) why arian thought he was raped
2) why shiv would make the deal (unless it's for cap)
3) why shook didn't like it,,,maybe i'm missing something, but isn't vlasic having a career year or something?
In terms of categories: Orpik wins Hits, Vlasic wins +/- and SOG.
Age: Vlasic (26), Orpik (33)
Great trade for Arian

- The BBKL Insider
- PostsCOLON 22628
- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 8:46 pm
- LocationCOLON San Juan, Puerto Rico
ya, maybe this year shiv adds some top end stats, but long term these are the types of deals bottom teams should be making.
the bottom teams can't improve unless they start trading some of their older guys with good stats for young guys with bright futures.
the bottom teams can't improve unless they start trading some of their older guys with good stats for young guys with bright futures.

I was joking. I obviously prefer vlasic. I dont think either guy is retarded in this deal though, orpik is better suited for shivs team.

didn't I?Arian wroteCOLONanswer my pm lolPeter wroteCOLONnice deal guYZ