To Los Angeles:
James Wisniewski - D
Tyler Wotherspoon - D
To Buffalo:
Chris Stewart
Richard Panik
2015 3rd Rounder (WSH)
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- Robin Hood
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- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 5:09 pm
- The BBKL Insider
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not sure how the wiz sucks, stat wise he kills stewart in every stat.
value wise matt wins tho, this was talked about when we were PMing.
value wise matt wins tho, this was talked about when we were PMing.

More points than Stewart and PKs. Shiv said he sucked when I got him though too so at least he is consistent lol
- The BBKL Insider
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I will say, i appreciate when shiv is consistant with his "he sucks comments"Bruyns wroteCOLONMore points than Stewart and PKs. Shiv said he sucked when I got him though too so at least he is consistent lol
it's like me and trevor daley...i will rip on that guy until he's forced to the KHL or retire

- Robin Hood
- PostsCOLON 13589
- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 5:09 pm
Yup, I'm always consistent lol. Wiz is not worth the cap hit at ALL imo. And is way too inconsistent. But that's just what ol' me thinks. Steve obviously is targeting certain categories.