CAR/LAK - Massive blockbuster
Re: CAR/LAK - Massive blockbuster
I was actually gonna come to u chris if steve didnt accept kadri offer. For skinner!!!
- Arian The Insider
- PostsCOLON 7304
- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 7:05 pm
Re: CAR/LAK - Massive blockbuster
Honestly when you take a look at it it's not that bad of a deal. I can see some reasons why Paul would do it
Re: CAR/LAK - Massive blockbuster
i just looked at kadris numbers and i thought they were worse. I feel bad nowArian wroteCOLONHonestly when you take a look at it it's not that bad of a deal. I can see some reasons why Paul would do it

kadris doing this on a team that isn't really offensively gifted either..
- Florida Chris
- PostsCOLON 2589
- JoinedCOLON Tue May 04, 2010 7:06 am
Re: CAR/LAK - Massive blockbuster
kimmer wroteCOLONI was actually gonna come to u chris if steve didnt accept kadri offer. For skinner!!!

Re: CAR/LAK - Massive blockbuster
yakupovs also like -38
Re: CAR/LAK - Massive blockbuster
Lol arian bro, just cuz i raped u all the time doesnt mean u shud come in here saying i was raped!
Re: CAR/LAK - Massive blockbuster
Oh shit I have to watch thatanton wroteCOLONtoo busy watching the new community to care at this point. whoever got rid of a russian wins
Re: CAR/LAK - Massive blockbuster
You guys are nuts. This is fair as shit ... Paul gets more hits and FOW with Kadri too. Centers have a higher value here ... Yak is a Russian too. Automatic win for Kimmer there alone!
- Arian The Insider
- PostsCOLON 7304
- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 7:05 pm
Re: CAR/LAK - Massive blockbuster
Paul I'm just jealous. Look how great your team looks after raping me too much
Re: CAR/LAK - Massive blockbuster
Yah. I change my mind. Solid trade. Kadri is baby jesus too.Tony wroteCOLONYou guys are nuts. This is fair as shit ... Paul gets more hits and FOW with Kadri too. Centers have a higher value here ... Yak is a Russian too. Automatic win for Kimmer there alone!
Re: CAR/LAK - Massive blockbuster
Kyle lol I know most of the time when u rip on my trades ur all heated up and strongly opinionated. I like that about you because I know u IRL, and it makes me overwhelmed with joy that such a chills guy can get this riled up.
Also, thru this trade, I've seen for the FIRST time EVER, Mike putting in his honesty-driven 2 cents and expressing frustration of the fact that I didn't accept his Bernier offer. It was quite a treat to witness. He is usually emotionless, and soft spoken.
Also, thru this trade, I've seen for the FIRST time EVER, Mike putting in his honesty-driven 2 cents and expressing frustration of the fact that I didn't accept his Bernier offer. It was quite a treat to witness. He is usually emotionless, and soft spoken.
Re: CAR/LAK - Massive blockbuster
I wanted Bernier, but the cost of Bernier + Reimer was way too high combined, and it's not like they are performing!
Re: CAR/LAK - Massive blockbuster
No need to apologize. Wasn't arguing with logic or reasoning of the cost. Just my POV on the cost to combine.
Re: CAR/LAK - Massive blockbuster
Bumping for Hong to see, he wasn't very pleased to find out I did this deal LOL
Re: CAR/LAK - Massive blockbuster
PM sentCAM wroteCOLONTarasenko + 1st for Kadri