Kassian + Hishon
Kassian + Hishon
For a d-man.
Bad offers will have their poster's account deleted.
Bad offers will have their poster's account deleted.
Re: Kassian + Hishon
Which kassian
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- The BBKL Insider
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Re: Kassian + Hishon
On a serious note, you should probably offer Lovejoy on thisgooker wroteCOLONMark Fayne

Re: Kassian + Hishon
Offer in
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Re: Kassian + Hishon
I don't do the public offers much
I don't do the public offers much
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Re: Kassian + Hishon
You do it all the timeKapG wroteCOLONHahahaha
I don't do the public offers much

Re: Kassian + Hishon
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Re: Kassian + Hishon
lots of excellent options in this thread
and i'm sure the one kapG is keeping a secret is also excellent
and i'm sure the one kapG is keeping a secret is also excellent

Re: Kassian + Hishon
Was erik gustafsson
Paul bested that though
Paul bested that though
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Re: Kassian + Hishon
Andy Greene or Paul Martin?Mike wroteCOLONFor a d-man.
Bad offers will have their poster's account deleted.
- Arian The Insider
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Re: Kassian + Hishon
Engelland for Kassian hold the hishon