MTL - ANA Deal
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- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 7:17 pm
MTL - ANA Deal
John Mitchell
Damien Brunner
Tomas Kopecky
Artem Anisimov
Ryane Clowe
John Mitchell
Damien Brunner
Tomas Kopecky
Artem Anisimov
Ryane Clowe
Re: MTL - ANA Deal
done thanks chuck i needed this depth in the worst way
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Re: MTL - ANA Deal
some good players for similarly good players who are h2hers (injured iirc). Fair enough!
Re: MTL - ANA Deal
This was my initial reaction.Fair Deals Steve wroteCOLONWTF LOL
I don't think clowes really doing anything though...
Re: MTL - ANA Deal
Anisimov can't stay healthy either.
Good trade
Good trade
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- Robin Hood
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Re: MTL - ANA Deal
Clowe resued skating this week - posted Nov 23rd.KapG wroteCOLONThis was my initial reaction.Fair Deals Steve wroteCOLONWTF LOL
I don't think clowes really doing anything though...
Re: MTL - ANA Deal
I've never been a Clowe fan
Re: MTL - ANA Deal
Clowe is a big question mark. 3 concussions in about a year is a scary thing ...
Re: MTL - ANA Deal
Paul trade me clutter