Valtteri Filppula
- PostsCOLON 4954
- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 7:17 pm
Re: Valtteri Filppula
I wub you too Pauly. And it wasn't meant as a dig, just the most recent example of it. We've all done it at some point or another.gooker wroteCOLONFuk u mtl
Re: Valtteri Filppula
Except since trading burns he hasnt seen nhl action for a month and a half LOL
Re: Valtteri Filppula
Spare parts for Fisher?Fair Deals Steve wroteCOLONmy offer is pulled
if u want fisher contact me
- Arian The Insider
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- The BBKL Insider
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- LocationCOLON San Juan, Puerto Rico
Re: Valtteri Filppula
lolMike wroteCOLONSpare parts for Fisher?Fair Deals Steve wroteCOLONmy offer is pulled
if u want fisher contact me
naw i like fisher i will keep him now

Re: Valtteri Filppula
Shit was gonna offer dallas 1st 2014 for him.
Oh well
Oh well
Re: Valtteri Filppula
Was going to ask for Gauthier +, but Steve pulled out.Mike wroteCOLONSpare parts for Fisher?Fair Deals Steve wroteCOLONmy offer is pulled
if u want fisher contact me
- The BBKL Insider
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- LocationCOLON San Juan, Puerto Rico
Re: Valtteri Filppula
reasonableLee wroteCOLONWas going to ask for Gauthier +, but Steve pulled out.Mike wroteCOLONSpare parts for Fisher?Fair Deals Steve wroteCOLONmy offer is pulled
if u want fisher contact me
Re: Valtteri Filppula
Don't I have STL & LAK in '15?Lee wroteCOLONYou have one first, sir.Nick wroteCOLON2 1st and 5 2nds.
Re: Valtteri Filppula
cannot tell if serious... My trade records and spreadsheet both show me with two..
Re: Valtteri Filppula
Not looking like a trade will result from this. Want to thank the GMs involved. Lots of close deals but couldn't nail anything down.
- The BBKL Insider
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- LocationCOLON San Juan, Puerto Rico
Re: Valtteri Filppula
next time dont be one of these:Lee wroteCOLONNot looking like a trade will result from this. Want to thank the GMs involved. Lots of close deals but couldn't nail anything down.

and we'll get something done

Re: Valtteri Filppula
It always been my story that I'm not really willing to move Palat. Tried options without him before bringing an offer to Mike's table.
You're the one who threw a hissy fit when I suggested removing Palat and Greening
You're the one who threw a hissy fit when I suggested removing Palat and Greening

- Robin Hood
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Re: Valtteri Filppula
Not sure if this offer changed but since Lee is getting some backlash, I'll say that I would have rejected this deal also. Good on Lee for not making a deal for the sake of making one.Fair Deals Steve wroteCOLONMike Fisher
Colin Greening
2015 1st Rounder (TOR)
Rickard Rakall

Re: Valtteri Filppula
Same, but I see Rakell as nothing special and it comes down to your perception of him. Barely point per game in his age 19 OHL season and seems like he isn't going to hit many cats. Possibly he becomes a good PKer since he is known to be good defensively.
- The BBKL Insider
- PostsCOLON 22628
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- LocationCOLON San Juan, Puerto Rico
Re: Valtteri Filppula
you would have dug for more, and in which cause i would have told u to fly a kite - which is almost frequent with every trade talk we've ever had - which is why we dont have trade talks anymore.SuperMario wroteCOLONNot sure if this offer changed but since Lee is getting some backlash, I'll say that I would have rejected this deal also. Good on Lee for not making a deal for the sake of making one.Fair Deals Steve wroteCOLONMike Fisher
Colin Greening
2015 1st Rounder (TOR)
Rickard Rakall