Atkinson = burns
roy < gerbe
I lose a bit anyway but w/e
"I've got way too many injuries" Block
- The BBKL Insider
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- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 8:46 pm
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- Arian The Insider
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- Robin Hood
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- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 5:09 pm
Re: "I've got way too many injuries" Block
Doan > Burns, if I'm not being biased ... And who said I was asking for Burns?
Re: "I've got way too many injuries" Block
Coyle - who came back last night
We can swap injured for injured * I think Kules will be back today. ** I'm joking - went the depth route this year and have bodies to cover for injuries. However if you'd want to move stemps for arcobello + Neil you Ned two bodies both worth dressing.
Coyle - who came back last night
We can swap injured for injured * I think Kules will be back today. ** I'm joking - went the depth route this year and have bodies to cover for injuries. However if you'd want to move stemps for arcobello + Neil you Ned two bodies both worth dressing.
- Robin Hood
- PostsCOLON 13589
- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 5:09 pm
Re: "I've got way too many injuries" Block
Nope. Stemps is worth more than that. But a respectable offer. Thanks NickNick wroteCOLONPrust
Coyle - who came back last night
We can swap injured for injured * I think Kules will be back today. ** I'm joking - went the depth route this year and have bodies to cover for injuries. However if you'd want to move stemps for arcobello + Neil you Ned two bodies both worth dressing.