if the first were on the other side i'd still rejectMike wroteCOLONScrivens + 1st for Krug
Toronto Block
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Re: Toronto Block

- The BBKL Insider
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- The BBKL Insider
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- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 8:46 pm
- LocationCOLON San Juan, Puerto Rico
- The BBKL Insider
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- Robin Hood
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- Robin Hood
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Re: Toronto Block
Yep. GMs give me a hard time because it's me lol. Let Mike suffer now.Big Fun wroteCOLONguess he likes me better

Re: Toronto Block
No one has to look at it because it's been the same shit for half a year ... that and eveything is overpricedSuperMario wroteCOLONBBKL Maple Leafs Trading Block: Bumped 20 times a day, 0 trades made in like 3 months.
- Robin Hood
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Re: Toronto Block
All of mike's players are better than all of your players...don't you know?Tony wroteCOLONNo one has to look at it because it's been the same shit for half a year ... that and eveything is overpricedSuperMario wroteCOLONBBKL Maple Leafs Trading Block: Bumped 20 times a day, 0 trades made in like 3 months.

Re: Toronto Block
I think he gets lots of low-ball offers because they're on the block. I can admit to trying for Fisher cheaply a few times because I was hoping Mike just wanted to move him.
He is correct that Toews is better than most everyone else's dot-men.
He is correct that Toews is better than most everyone else's dot-men.

Re: Toronto Block
krugBig Fun wroteCOLONrejectedMike wroteCOLONhmm
Re: Toronto Block
Not really that, I just don't get many offersNick wroteCOLONI think he gets lots of low-ball offers because they're on the block. I can admit to trying for Fisher cheaply a few times because I was hoping Mike just wanted to move him.
He is correct that Toews is better than most everyone else's dot-men.
Re: Toronto Block
weird. Some nice pieces up there.
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Re: Toronto Block
That seems to be the going rate for backups.SuperMario wroteCOLONMike's top offer to me was a 1st for Scrivens lol.