I've not been even fighting against using the NHL lottery per se. Not inside CC and not even here. What I was trying to avoid was us getting in a bad place once the NHL lottery is done.foofnik wroteCOLONThat is all we've asked for. If the results are not usable then by all means proceed with our own lottery but don't throw away the NHL results when thats what we ways use.Shoalzie wroteCOLONFrom my perspective with our internal talks, I didn't understand why waiting for the first NHL lottery draw on Friday to take place was less desirable than scheduling an independent simulator draw in late July. We could've used these NHL results but if the results were inconclusive in any way, then we could've pushed for a simulator to accomplish what we needed.
As for Mik all I stated were 2 facts. I can't speak for internal CC discussions, all I see is what/who posts in this thread but across my 5 leagues that all use NHL lottery results there has only been a single person fighting against using the results and that is Mik.
As I stated, if a satisfying solution was presented to take care of the scenario where the NHL doesn't announce the phantom team I'd definitely be in favor of going with the NHL lottery. Fact is, the only solution in that case appears to be running our own lottery again from scratch, at some point (even if the NHL doesn't announce the phantom team right away, that info might come along later on...), which would be much worse than running our own lottery through a simulator straight away.
unless, that person 'doesn't have skin in the game'...when the only person arguing against using NHL results is someone who has skin in the game and has a key role as a CC member in determining that process for our own lottery i think it should be public knowledge.