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Re: Offseason Sens Block - Still Looking for Youth
PostedCOLON Wed Aug 07, 2013 11:27 am
by anton
the draft and the explosion of trade activity after it would be fun, but after the subsides everyone would just want their old team back anyway
Re: Offseason Sens Block - Still Looking for Youth
PostedCOLON Wed Aug 07, 2013 11:44 am
by kimmer
I couldn't give two Fuck shits if I started over. I am proud of what I have accomplished, but I don't really have sentimental attachment to anything if it means having something new. I like throw old shit out all the time even if it's good (only if the new shit I'm getting is better lol)
Re: Offseason Sens Block - Still Looking for Youth
PostedCOLON Wed Aug 07, 2013 12:00 pm
by Shep
I'd be done with BBKL if we started over.
Re: Offseason Sens Block - Still Looking for Youth
PostedCOLON Wed Aug 07, 2013 1:15 pm
by Nick
It would kill the league. Not a worthwhile discussion. We are a keeper league that has lasted a very long time

The division re-shuffle, cap pinch and typical off-season rebuilds have increased parity like we haven't had since the first summer.
We have a balanced schedule (unlike year 1), as well as a ton of experience in the league (unlike year 1 or 2).
I think we should all give ourselves a big pat on the back for a job well done. this place is awesome, despite the mood-cycles we cannot seem to dodge, LOL.
20 years from now this will be frigging epic. Likely worthy of some coverage

Re: Offseason Sens Block - Still Looking for Youth
PostedCOLON Wed Aug 07, 2013 1:20 pm
by anton
maybe we'll get sponsored and we all move into a big office in LA where we just hang out and make trades all day
Re: Offseason Sens Block - Still Looking for Youth
PostedCOLON Wed Aug 07, 2013 1:47 pm
by shooker
I'd actually be all for a restart. Not a fantasy draft, but a restart with current teams as the fantasy draft would just be straight up painful. I feel there has been a major lull in the activity of late and not just because it's the offseason. I have already mentioned this to numerous gm's and from what I have seen it's about 60/40 that would be in favour of it. I love the team I have put together but notice that it has become pretty stale in here. Worse things could happen then a restart.
That being said, I don't think it will happen and I am ok with that too.
Re: Offseason Sens Block - Still Looking for Youth
PostedCOLON Wed Aug 07, 2013 1:56 pm
by anton
i think the "lull" is 100% about the offseason tbh
Re: Offseason Sens Block - Still Looking for Youth
PostedCOLON Wed Aug 07, 2013 2:01 pm
by Mike
anton wroteCOLONi think the "lull" is 100% about the offseason tbh
Can't say I'm not looking forward to camp
Re: Offseason Sens Block - Still Looking for Youth
PostedCOLON Wed Aug 07, 2013 2:02 pm
by Nick
Any changes I make now would just be to make changes... Need camp to start to have some pressure, new fav player, or info to make deals

Re: Offseason Sens Block - Still Looking for Youth
PostedCOLON Wed Aug 07, 2013 2:03 pm
by Mike
Nick wroteCOLONAny changes I make now would just be to make changes... Need camp to start to have some pressure, new fav player, or info to make deals

Definitely need some new info
Re: Offseason Sens Block - Still Looking for Youth
PostedCOLON Wed Aug 07, 2013 2:06 pm
by shooker
anton wroteCOLONi think the "lull" is 100% about the offseason tbh
I disagree. Offseason definitely contributes but last season on a whole was a lull. I found the entire last season to be fairly uneventful compared with seasons in the past. I felt a lot of gms were losing interest. Again just my opinion. I know there will be zero chance of a restart, I just see the benefit and would be all for it if it ever was legitimately considered.
Re: Offseason Sens Block - Still Looking for Youth
PostedCOLON Wed Aug 07, 2013 2:11 pm
by Nick
Restart is against the very purpose of a keeper league.... I'm sure some of the teams that want a re-start are the same one's that are not active on the trade market and actually part of the slow activity.
When Steve, Shiv, Shook, Kareem, Anton and a few others slow down trading, the league trading takes a major dip. That's okay though... Building teams in a keeper league is supposed to be a process.
Re: Offseason Sens Block - Still Looking for Youth
PostedCOLON Wed Aug 07, 2013 2:11 pm
by Mike
shooker wroteCOLONanton wroteCOLONi think the "lull" is 100% about the offseason tbh
I disagree. Offseason definitely contributes but last season on a whole was a lull. I found the entire last season to be fairly uneventful compared with seasons in the past. I felt a lot of gms were losing interest. Again just my opinion. I know there will be zero chance of a restart, I just see the benefit and would be all for it if it ever was legitimately considered.
To each their own I suppose. No lull felt last season for me, I quite enjoyed it as I do every season.
Re: Offseason Sens Block - Still Looking for Youth
PostedCOLON Wed Aug 07, 2013 2:19 pm
by shooker
Oh I still enjoyed it and I know I will enjoy this upcoming season, so don't get me wrong. I just noticed some of the previously more active gm's started to disappear. That is the "lull" I am referring to and not the less active gms remaining less active. If former active gm's become less active, that is a problem for me lol and where a restart would come into play as it would create new interest.
Again, the deciding votes, aka the CC members, will all be strongly against it, so I know this will never actually come down to a vote or anything. Although, I feel if it did, most would be surprised with how many people would have interest in it.
Re: Offseason Sens Block - Still Looking for Youth
PostedCOLON Wed Aug 07, 2013 2:25 pm
by Mike
Yeah tbh it wouldn't even be something we'd have the CC look at in the first place.
Re: Offseason Sens Block - Still Looking for Youth
PostedCOLON Wed Aug 07, 2013 2:37 pm
by cliff11
I'm down for a reset or keep 9 players or whatever
But we all know its boy going to happen haha
Re: Offseason Sens Block - Still Looking for Youth
PostedCOLON Wed Aug 07, 2013 3:14 pm
by The BBKL Insider
as someone suggested above - shiv and I not trading has made it seem like a slow summer.
i'll restart trades/talks when vacation ends in a week. And like always, the league will pick up right before camps open
Re: Offseason Sens Block - Still Looking for Youth
PostedCOLON Wed Aug 07, 2013 3:20 pm
by shooker
Big Fun wroteCOLONas someone suggested above - shiv and I not trading has made it seem like a slow summer.
i'll restart trades/talks when vacation ends in a week. And like always, the league will pick up right before camps open
what was the rational behind a slow season then? lol
Re: Offseason Sens Block - Still Looking for Youth
PostedCOLON Wed Aug 07, 2013 3:22 pm
by The BBKL Insider
slow season?
I thought we had a quite active 48 game season
Re: Offseason Sens Block - Still Looking for Youth
PostedCOLON Wed Aug 07, 2013 4:04 pm
by Nick
Ye seemed like a blitz of a season to me. Too fast really.... A full season + Olympics should be good for the league