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Re: Kyle Turris + Joffrey Lupul

PostedCOLON Thu Aug 29, 2013 4:57 pm
by anton
emerson eat'em lol

Re: Kyle Turris + Joffrey Lupul

PostedCOLON Thu Aug 29, 2013 4:57 pm
by Nick
Ennis is centre-ish

Re: Kyle Turris + Joffrey Lupul

PostedCOLON Thu Aug 29, 2013 4:57 pm
by shooker
I'd rather Turris than Ennis and Lupul than Stewart lol. Rather nice offer for steve for sure.

Re: Kyle Turris + Joffrey Lupul

PostedCOLON Thu Aug 29, 2013 4:58 pm
by anton
he's about as center as steve is gay...


Re: Kyle Turris + Joffrey Lupul

PostedCOLON Thu Aug 29, 2013 4:58 pm
by Nick
shooker wroteCOLONI'd rather Turris than Ennis and Lupul than Stewart lol. Rather nice offer for steve for sure.

Really? Turris over Ennis?

Re: Kyle Turris + Joffrey Lupul

PostedCOLON Thu Aug 29, 2013 4:59 pm
by The BBKL Insider
anton wroteCOLONno centers coming back in it.

duchene ,etem
duchene for your 2

Re: Kyle Turris + Joffrey Lupul

PostedCOLON Thu Aug 29, 2013 4:59 pm
by anton
Nick wroteCOLON
shooker wroteCOLONI'd rather Turris than Ennis and Lupul than Stewart lol. Rather nice offer for steve for sure.

Really? Turris over Ennis?
ur gonna argue that?

Re: Kyle Turris + Joffrey Lupul

PostedCOLON Thu Aug 29, 2013 5:00 pm
by Nick
I have no skin in the comparison, I personally believe Ennis is the better piece.

Re: Kyle Turris + Joffrey Lupul

PostedCOLON Thu Aug 29, 2013 5:00 pm
by anton
duchene, boekder

Re: Kyle Turris + Joffrey Lupul

PostedCOLON Thu Aug 29, 2013 5:01 pm
by The BBKL Insider
Nick wroteCOLONI have no skin in the comparison, I personally believe Ennis is the better piece.
Ennis > turris
Lupul > Stewart

plus he saves 2+ish mil in cap

i thought it was legit

Re: Kyle Turris + Joffrey Lupul

PostedCOLON Thu Aug 29, 2013 5:01 pm
by anton
Nick wroteCOLONI have no skin in the comparison, I personally believe Ennis is the better piece.
except the thing is that he's so wildly obviously not.

Re: Kyle Turris + Joffrey Lupul

PostedCOLON Thu Aug 29, 2013 5:02 pm
by Nick
Cool, if I had Turris and you had Ennis we could easily make a trade.

Re: Kyle Turris + Joffrey Lupul

PostedCOLON Thu Aug 29, 2013 5:03 pm
by anton
and i would completely slaughter you in it

Re: Kyle Turris + Joffrey Lupul

PostedCOLON Thu Aug 29, 2013 5:04 pm
by Nick
I'd be quiet happy with it as well, perhaps not as lippy, but...

Re: Kyle Turris + Joffrey Lupul

PostedCOLON Thu Aug 29, 2013 5:06 pm
by anton
id be getting 200+ FOW and 70 SHTOI for free.

Re: Kyle Turris + Joffrey Lupul

PostedCOLON Thu Aug 29, 2013 5:10 pm
by Nick
I believe I'd be addig a much funner player to watch/own, and who IMO has a much bigger impact coming. I think he'll be an elite two-way winger who takes some draws (a value + give he'll be W listed), and he's sure to be a force on the PP which Turris will likely be seeing a drop coming as he slides behind Spezza.

Traded Ennis because I have CoHo, Pysyk & Myers... 4 sabres is asking for trouble

but I admit there are a wide range of views on both players, we just might be opposite ends of each spectrum.

Re: Kyle Turris + Joffrey Lupul

PostedCOLON Thu Aug 29, 2013 10:14 pm
by anton
Summary of talks so far:

- Nick shows preliminary interest - offers hodgson as C piece but has no winger to complete the deal
- Steve and Shook discuss black penises
- Paul makes one of his patented "is he or is he not joking" offers around vanek and an average prospect
- Secret PM goes out to Steve: Turris + Lupul for Duchene + Etem
- Steve declines Etem addition, requesting a straight 2 for 1
- Anton gawks at potential loss in production of such a deal
- Negotiations go public as Steve comes in low with an Ennis + Stewart offer
- Turris' 3.5 x 5 year deal is publiziced, drawing positive reaction from several BBKLers
- Anton and Nick wildly disagree on Ennis' value
- Anton re-emphasizes Turris + Lupul for Duchene + Etem as solid trade, also proposes Boekder as Etem replacement

Re: Kyle Turris + Joffrey Lupul

PostedCOLON Thu Aug 29, 2013 10:18 pm
by kimmer
Good summary

Re: Kyle Turris + Joffrey Lupul

PostedCOLON Fri Aug 30, 2013 8:10 am
by The BBKL Insider

Post of the year, and actually 100% accurate

Oh, haven't responded to the latest offer. But no, I won't add anything to duchene, not even sold on 2 for 1 as lups is glass

Re: Kyle Turris + Joffrey Lupul

PostedCOLON Fri Aug 30, 2013 10:54 am
by Nick
anton wroteCOLONSummary of talks so far:

- Nick shows preliminary interest - offers hodgson as C piece but has no winger to complete the deal
From the basis that we don't agree on the Coho vs Turris comparison. We each value our own piece more than the other values said peice -> no foundation for a deal.

Still a good number of actual talks in response to your block - hopefully a GM pipes up who has mad interest or a piece you want, hahaha