KapG wroteCOLONand 1.5 hits per game and . 5 hits per game. Plays to line everything outside the penalty kill with a great cap hit.

KapG wroteCOLONand 1.5 hits per game and . 5 hits per game. Plays to line everything outside the penalty kill with a great cap hit.
Yessssss. Paul Kim knows.kimmer wroteCOLONLollllllllll love it #galaxyproblem
thx for the clarificationKapG wroteCOLONI swear this fucking phone is going to get thrown into a fucking wall.
Should read 1.5 hits. .5 bs and "plays top line everything outside of the PK"
I'm still in a playoff position in the beastly east and ive had a pretty rough schedule so far.kyuss wroteCOLONKlingberg is not up for grabs. Makes zero senso for a team in my position to trade away a waiver exempt player on a cheap contract who is already a key contributor.
Just keep cap in mind when making your proposal
that's not what i implied sirKapG wroteCOLONI'm still in a playoff position in the beastly east and ive had a pretty rough schedule so far.kyuss wroteCOLONKlingberg is not up for grabs. Makes zero senso for a team in my position to trade away a waiver exempt player on a cheap contract who is already a key contributor.
Just keep cap in mind when making your proposal
I'm not gonna sell him for strsight up futures
Annnnd exactly what I thought may happen if I made that trade with you did indeed happen. Knew it was far too riskyThe BBKL Insider wroteCOLONwas close, fell apart over us being picky hahah