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Re: CAR/LAK - Horny Saturday night blockbuster
PostedCOLON Sun Jan 19, 2014 7:15 pm
by KapG
I will say this...
Eberle is still a very solid player. The bewt plYer in this deal in fact. Be patient with him paul!

Re: CAR/LAK - Horny Saturday night blockbuster
PostedCOLON Sun Jan 19, 2014 7:32 pm
by The BBKL Insider
I'll prob trade for eberle back when he gets high again.
Hagelin + 1st will sound very sweet for paul when he's cranked up on pussy and weed.
Re: CAR/LAK - Horny Saturday night blockbuster
PostedCOLON Sun Jan 19, 2014 9:02 pm
by kimmer
Shut the fcku up, foe
Re: CAR/LAK - Horny Saturday night blockbuster
PostedCOLON Sun Jan 19, 2014 10:03 pm
by kimmer
big respect to nick, thx for ur opinion.
Re: CAR/LAK - Horny Saturday night blockbuster
PostedCOLON Sun Jan 19, 2014 11:23 pm
by hong57
SuperMario wroteCOLONBruyns wroteCOLONNot an Eberle fan, prefer Kadri and '14 1st and Pominville compared to '15 2nd and Santorelli makes this a landslide victory for Steve.
i agree... easily and steve wins HUGE.....
Eberle and Kadri are similar but Kardi > Eberle in this league..
Prominville >>>>>> Santorelli especially caps going up next year..
1st >> 2nd...
i don't know how this makes sense at all...
Re: CAR/LAK - Horny Saturday night blockbuster
PostedCOLON Sun Jan 19, 2014 11:37 pm
by Robin Hood
hong57 wroteCOLONSuperMario wroteCOLONBruyns wroteCOLONNot an Eberle fan, prefer Kadri and '14 1st and Pominville compared to '15 2nd and Santorelli makes this a landslide victory for Steve.
i agree... easily and steve wins HUGE.....
Eberle and Kadri are similar but Kardi > Eberle in this league..
Prominville >>>>>> Santorelli especially caps going up next year..
1st >> 2nd...
i don't know how this makes sense at all...
When hong agrees with me, you know it's bad haha
Re: CAR/LAK - Horny Saturday night blockbuster
PostedCOLON Tue Jan 21, 2014 10:58 am
by The BBKL Insider
Remember when i called Paul "good luck chuck" (google the movie if you dont know what i'm talking about)
As soon as Paul trades for - then trades away that player he gets hot. Someone should do an experiment with Holland and see if it works.
Heck, we should trade Paul every leaf and trade back for them.
Re: CAR/LAK - Horny Saturday night blockbuster
PostedCOLON Tue Jan 21, 2014 10:59 am
by kimmer
I already offered for bozak and it was legit but got declined