I don't understand this. At no point in time did I post that "I made such a good offer". Instead I posted that Enzzie rejected the offer and if someone else wants it they can take it. EVERYONE else said I made a good offer.Peter wroteCOLON"I made such a good offer, but it was rejected, make gm-x trade you that guy, and you can have it"
You know what's hilarious though? If I made a post like this where say I offered Grabovski for Stamkos and it was an absolute lowball, I would get ripped. In that circumstance, no issue of me posting the potential 3 way would be brought up. Instead I'd get comments like "I would reject that too" "That's a terrible offer Shiv"
And that would be the end of the thread.
Everyone needs to stop fucking hating all the fucking time. Anton publicly offered Paul Polak and Brunner for Ennis + Theodore. Why wasn't there such a backlash then? Instead everyone just told Paul to do it.
There is a MASSIVE bias towards me in this league. Fuck off bbkl.