Re: Benn/Richards Package
PostedCOLON Wed Sep 18, 2013 12:07 pm
The Ultimate Fantasy Hockey Experience
Don't underestimate your team man. You've got a solid core of Benn, Richards, Marleau, Stewart, Jaybo, Vlassic, Ehrhoff with complimentary guys around them. I'd stick with it and see how you do. That core is better than most teams in this league.cliff11 wroteCOLONi cant see it im not happy with my team still looking to move Benn/Richards as a packageSuperMario wroteCOLONThis team is going to do some damage this year. The western conference is going to be interesting.
SuperMario wroteCOLONDon't underestimate your team man. You've got a solid core of Benn, Richards, Marleau, Stewart, Jaybo, Vlassic, Ehrhoff with complimentary guys around them. I'd stick with it and see how you do. That core is better than most teams in this league.cliff11 wroteCOLONi cant see it im not happy with my team still looking to move Benn/Richards as a packageSuperMario wroteCOLONThis team is going to do some damage this year. The western conference is going to be interesting.