ROFL BEAT ME TO IT.cliff11 wroteCOLONwell back man good luck, im sure you will turn Chris's gong show into something good
welcome back bud.
ROFL BEAT ME TO IT.cliff11 wroteCOLONwell back man good luck, im sure you will turn Chris's gong show into something good
Fuck yourself.MSP4LYFE wroteCOLONThanks for the warm welcome, and kind words everyone.
this doesn't sound like u.... LOL!MSP4LYFE wroteCOLONI appreciate it Nick, and the rest of the CC, and will do my best to uphold the agreements mentioned in private, and do my best to make the Canucks competitive.
LMAObcool wroteCOLONTop 2 most sensitive BBKL GMs:
Chris A.
Scott Smith
3. Gookergooker wroteCOLONLMAObcool wroteCOLONTop 2 most sensitive BBKL GMs:
Chris A.
Scott Smith
lmao but I admit itbcool wroteCOLON3. Gookergooker wroteCOLONLMAObcool wroteCOLONTop 2 most sensitive BBKL GMs:
Chris A.
Scott Smith
This is exactly why Chris should not be let back in. He pretended to be back to normal while the decision was being made. But he has a toxic attitude. And not only did he quit twice - he came on the forum and talked about how BBKL sucks and how he is in a far better league now, bumping virtually every thread in the bruin wroteCOLONWelcome back. Let our rivalry continue.
Oh and WTF Chris. Shame! WTF does that mean? You quit...twice and now its a shame that the league is filling an empty GM position? Its a shame that you feel wronged in anyway when everything is in direct result of your own actions. One can only cry wolf so many times.