Re: 1000th Post Block
PostedCOLON Wed Jul 09, 2014 10:12 am
As much as I'd like to have Lehtera available in the waiver draft, Matt should be entitled to the pieces that Phion had when he left.
Agreed Scott and Fantrax will remedy this.Shoalzie wroteCOLONI'm holding the #1 waiver pick and I actually mentioned Lehtera to him because I see that he does have him on his offseason sheet. You do a search on this site and the last record of him was when Phion was running the team.
I'm not going to refute his rights to him...I'm already looking at other options for the #1 pick. However, there should a seamless ownership of assets when a new guy takes over...everything that last guy had, the new guy should have. But, if someone falls through the cracks, they should be open to the entire league. You shouldn't have to doubt whether guy belongs to a team or not. They need to be listed somewhere on this site and on the spreadsheet along with Fantrax.
He was claimed one week ago, previously he was nowhere including Fantrax.Wed Jul 2, 2014, 12:32AM Buffalo Sabres Claim (FA) Lehtera, Jori C - STL Executed 1
Presumably you became aware that you "own" him one week ago (after Scott mentions it?). You add him to FT and Google. Why not mention it to everyone that you've overlooked a player and not submitted him to any rosters?Bruyns wroteCOLONAgreed Scott and Fantrax will remedy this.Shoalzie wroteCOLONI'm holding the #1 waiver pick and I actually mentioned Lehtera to him because I see that he does have him on his offseason sheet. You do a search on this site and the last record of him was when Phion was running the team.
I'm not going to refute his rights to him...I'm already looking at other options for the #1 pick. However, there should a seamless ownership of assets when a new guy takes over...everything that last guy had, the new guy should have. But, if someone falls through the cracks, they should be open to the entire league. You shouldn't have to doubt whether guy belongs to a team or not. They need to be listed somewhere on this site and on the spreadsheet along with Fantrax.
On CBS I didn't have Gaudreau or Lehtera, but on Fantrax we will have every asset we own on there so there will be no excuses. When a GM takes over they will have all their players instead of on CBS where I had like 20+ placeholders that I had no clue who they were for. If the players were on CBS and I left them off roster submission I would have no reason to think I owned them.
Sorry for the confusion Mike and I do see where you are coming from since the rules were they should have been on roster submission and like Gaudreau I expected an exception would be fine due to not being on the spreadsheet of assets I used since day 1 to determine what assets I owned.
YesSensfanjosh wroteCOLONWas Lehtera an asset that was available to add prior to his signing a deal?
Never claimed to have had him on Fantrax for a long time. My point was he wasn't included on the spreadsheet I was given and was always Buffalo property. I don't remember a lot of issues with Gaudreau and thought it was understood there were some issues with bookkeeping with Phion and if he wasn't on my spreadsheet or CBS it wasn't my fault. Why would I leave Gaudreau and Lehtera off my roster submission? I wouldn't unless I didn't know I owned them and I didn't know due to poor bookkeeping and a shitty fantasy platform in CBS.Mike wroteCOLONHe was claimed one week ago, previously he was nowhere including Fantrax.Wed Jul 2, 2014, 12:32AM Buffalo Sabres Claim (FA) Lehtera, Jori C - STL Executed 1
After joining, a couple months, that's fine. But it's been over a year. How long can we go on this?Bruyns wroteCOLONNever claimed to have had him on Fantrax for a long time. My point was he wasn't included on the spreadsheet I was given and was always Buffalo property. I don't remember a lot of issues with Gaudreau and thought it was understood there were some issues with bookkeeping with Phion and if he wasn't on my spreadsheet or CBS it wasn't my fault. Why would I leave Gaudreau and Lehtera off my roster submission? I wouldn't unless I didn't know I owned them and I didn't know due to poor bookkeeping and a shitty fantasy platform in CBS.
4 people commenting in threadSensfanjosh wroteCOLONBy everyone do you mean you Mike because it seems like you and Lee are the only people who are on Matt for this? The rest of the league seems pretty understanding that mistakes occur and that Phion wasn't the most organized guy to be absorbing a roster from.
I knew before Scott mentioned it, Scott saw him on my offseason google docs. After searching Lehtera on the forums you can see he was with Buffalo since Topher and I didn't realize I needed to make an announcement that a player I owned was never included on CBS or the spreadsheet I inherited. I do see why that would have been useful info for everyone, but figured claiming him on Fantrax would make it clear that he wasn't still available.Mike wroteCOLONPresumably you became aware that you "own" him one week ago (after Scott mentions it?). You add him to FT and Google. Why not mention it to everyone that you've overlooked a player and not submitted him to any rosters?Bruyns wroteCOLONAgreed Scott and Fantrax will remedy this.Shoalzie wroteCOLONI'm holding the #1 waiver pick and I actually mentioned Lehtera to him because I see that he does have him on his offseason sheet. You do a search on this site and the last record of him was when Phion was running the team.
I'm not going to refute his rights to him...I'm already looking at other options for the #1 pick. However, there should a seamless ownership of assets when a new guy takes over...everything that last guy had, the new guy should have. But, if someone falls through the cracks, they should be open to the entire league. You shouldn't have to doubt whether guy belongs to a team or not. They need to be listed somewhere on this site and on the spreadsheet along with Fantrax.
On CBS I didn't have Gaudreau or Lehtera, but on Fantrax we will have every asset we own on there so there will be no excuses. When a GM takes over they will have all their players instead of on CBS where I had like 20+ placeholders that I had no clue who they were for. If the players were on CBS and I left them off roster submission I would have no reason to think I owned them.
Sorry for the confusion Mike and I do see where you are coming from since the rules were they should have been on roster submission and like Gaudreau I expected an exception would be fine due to not being on the spreadsheet of assets I used since day 1 to determine what assets I owned.
I told you I went by the spreadsheet I was provided not the asset list since I was told the spreadsheet was up to date. Same reason why Gaudreau was left off. We won't go on like this for any longer since Fantrax has all players included so no placeholders and no running into problems like this. Once again it's not like I was trying to be sneaky or break rules with Lehtera and Gaudreau it was they weren't in CBS or my asset spreadsheet and that was what I built my google docs off of and was told was up to date.Mike wroteCOLONAfter joining, a couple months, that's fine. But it's been over a year. How long can we go on this?Bruyns wroteCOLONNever claimed to have had him on Fantrax for a long time. My point was he wasn't included on the spreadsheet I was given and was always Buffalo property. I don't remember a lot of issues with Gaudreau and thought it was understood there were some issues with bookkeeping with Phion and if he wasn't on my spreadsheet or CBS it wasn't my fault. Why would I leave Gaudreau and Lehtera off my roster submission? I wouldn't unless I didn't know I owned them and I didn't know due to poor bookkeeping and a shitty fantasy platform in CBS.
His name was right there on Phion's asset list for you to see, so I reject the notion that this is caused by his poor bookkeeping.
This is not optionalShoalzie wroteCOLONI think for Matt's sake, he (and everyone) needs to list everyone on his team forum in some fashion going forward so they can be searched for on this site. When I saw Lehtera signed with the Blues, I looked it up here and there's only Topher and Phion's listings. But, I looked at his Google sheet over the weekend when he and I were talking about Meszaros.
I think some just like to do the Google thing and have the team on the fantasy site but there's got to be some mention of who you have on the board so you can find them. Even if it's just a simple list of the names. Between posting our complete rosters at the start of the season, weekly lineup changes, trades and claims and drafts...I don't think any guy should fall through the cracks if you're thorough. Every piece you own in this league needs some kind of searchable record so we don't have a problem later.