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Re: purcell and penner

PostedCOLON Thu Nov 21, 2013 2:20 pm
by Arian The Insider

Re: purcell and penner

PostedCOLON Thu Nov 21, 2013 2:23 pm
by Lee
I don't get what the big deal is I fucking love pancakes.

Re: purcell and penner

PostedCOLON Thu Nov 21, 2013 2:29 pm
by cliff11
hahaha fucking gold

Re: purcell and penner

PostedCOLON Thu Nov 21, 2013 2:39 pm
by anton
waffles > pancakes AINEC

Re: purcell and penner

PostedCOLON Thu Nov 21, 2013 2:55 pm
by KapG
Dep nds what mood I'm in

Re: purcell and penner

PostedCOLON Fri Nov 22, 2013 9:40 am
by KapG
Bumping before battlefield 4. Checkin back in a bit.

Re: purcell and penner

PostedCOLON Fri Nov 22, 2013 9:43 am
by Sensfanjosh
KapG wroteCOLONDep nds what mood I'm in
So you might say you....waffle between the two?

Re: purcell and penner

PostedCOLON Fri Nov 22, 2013 9:52 am
by Bruyns

Re: purcell and penner

PostedCOLON Fri Nov 22, 2013 12:54 pm
by KapG
So ill add dallas first this year onto one for a stud.

That or salvador and dallas first for a stud d

Re: purcell and penner

PostedCOLON Fri Nov 22, 2013 1:03 pm
by Peter
KapG wroteCOLONSo ill add dallas first this year onto one for a stud.

That or salvador and dallas first for a stud d
Because you know its not goign to be bottom 3 for much longer!!! Dallas is on the way up!

Re: purcell and penner

PostedCOLON Fri Nov 22, 2013 1:05 pm
by KapG
Its possible

Quite honestly I just want to land a great player right now cause I'm bored. Still think its bottom 3. Would have guaranteed bottom two a coupleweeks ago but pauls team blows now (no offence paul). Anaheim also pulled a no shos on you last week which made that match closer than it should have been. Beauty of h2h I guess eh

Re: purcell and penner

PostedCOLON Fri Nov 22, 2013 1:12 pm
by Nick
It's early, many of the media's comments and our own views have been influenced by last season. It's not a 10 (14) week season, rather 21 (25.5).

Re: purcell and penner

PostedCOLON Fri Nov 22, 2013 1:12 pm
by Peter
KapG wroteCOLONIts possible

Quite honestly I just want to land a great player right now cause I'm bored. Still think its bottom 3. Would have guaranteed bottom two a coupleweeks ago but pauls team blows now (no offence paul). Anaheim also pulled a no shos on you last week which made that match closer than it should have been. Beauty of h2h I guess eh
MIchalek for DAL 1st booom

Re: purcell and penner

PostedCOLON Fri Nov 22, 2013 1:15 pm
by KapG
Peter wroteCOLON
KapG wroteCOLONIts possible

Quite honestly I just want to land a great player right now cause I'm bored. Still think its bottom 3. Would have guaranteed bottom two a coupleweeks ago but pauls team blows now (no offence paul). Anaheim also pulled a no shos on you last week which made that match closer than it should have been. Beauty of h2h I guess eh
MIchalek for DAL 1st booom
I shouldn't have even replied to this. But obviously the answer is no.

Re: purcell and penner

PostedCOLON Fri Nov 22, 2013 1:18 pm
by Arian The Insider
Legit offer by Pete

Re: purcell and penner

PostedCOLON Fri Nov 22, 2013 1:18 pm
by Peter
KapG wroteCOLONIts possible

Quite honestly I just want to land a great player right now cause I'm bored. Still think its bottom 3. Would have guaranteed bottom two a coupleweeks ago but pauls team blows now (no offence paul). Anaheim also pulled a no shos on you last week which made that match closer than it should have been. Beauty of h2h I guess eh
My team is actually getting better though, Zibby's on Spezza's line starting now, between Jenner and Nieds I get like 200 hits a week, and Cory can win me s% and gaa most weeks.

Re: purcell and penner

PostedCOLON Fri Nov 22, 2013 1:19 pm
by Peter
KapG wroteCOLON
Peter wroteCOLON
KapG wroteCOLONIts possible

Quite honestly I just want to land a great player right now cause I'm bored. Still think its bottom 3. Would have guaranteed bottom two a coupleweeks ago but pauls team blows now (no offence paul). Anaheim also pulled a no shos on you last week which made that match closer than it should have been. Beauty of h2h I guess eh
MIchalek for DAL 1st booom
I shouldn't have even replied to this. But obviously the answer is no.
Just because you hate senators doesn't mean you should hate making your team better!

Re: purcell and penner

PostedCOLON Fri Nov 22, 2013 1:20 pm
by KapG
Peter wroteCOLON
KapG wroteCOLONIts possible

Quite honestly I just want to land a great player right now cause I'm bored. Still think its bottom 3. Would have guaranteed bottom two a coupleweeks ago but pauls team blows now (no offence paul). Anaheim also pulled a no shos on you last week which made that match closer than it should have been. Beauty of h2h I guess eh
My team is actually getting better though, Zibby's on Spezza's line starting now, between Jenner and Nieds I get like 200 hits a week, and Cory can win me s% and gaa most weeks.
Like I said its possible. Especially with some of the weaker teams out west

Re: purcell and penner

PostedCOLON Fri Nov 22, 2013 1:22 pm
by KapG
Peter wroteCOLON
KapG wroteCOLON
Peter wroteCOLON
KapG wroteCOLONIts possible

Quite honestly I just want to land a great player right now cause I'm bored. Still think its bottom 3. Would have guaranteed bottom two a coupleweeks ago but pauls team blows now (no offence paul). Anaheim also pulled a no shos on you last week which made that match closer than it should have been. Beauty of h2h I guess eh
MIchalek for DAL 1st booom
I shouldn't have even replied to this. But obviously the answer is no.
Just because you hate senators doesn't mean you should hate making your team better!
And by making that trade the picks vLue instantly increases foe you as your losing maybe your top offensive player.

I may say some stupid shit from time to time and smoke a lot of pot but I know what I'm doing with regards to this shit here.

Re: purcell and penner

PostedCOLON Fri Nov 22, 2013 1:25 pm
by Peter
KapG wroteCOLON
Peter wroteCOLON
KapG wroteCOLON
Peter wroteCOLON
KapG wroteCOLONIts possible

Quite honestly I just want to land a great player right now cause I'm bored. Still think its bottom 3. Would have guaranteed bottom two a coupleweeks ago but pauls team blows now (no offence paul). Anaheim also pulled a no shos on you last week which made that match closer than it should have been. Beauty of h2h I guess eh
MIchalek for DAL 1st booom
I shouldn't have even replied to this. But obviously the answer is no.
Just because you hate senators doesn't mean you should hate making your team better!
And by making that trade the picks vLue instantly increases foe you as your losing maybe your top offensive player.

I may say some stupid shit from time to time and smoke a lot of pot but I know what I'm doing with regards to this shit here.
exactly its a win win! 'sorry for the pm meant to be a post'
and saad's my best offensive player for now, he's getting a solid 60 pts this year imo.