MSP4LYFE wroteCOLONDid you read Mike's post? It specifically states that a new account will be made for these exact purposes, and it will not be checked until after the completion of the waiver period. So let's say you were in charge of this, you cannot check it until after the waiver period for X player is completed. It does not impact your ability to put in a waiver claim, nor does it give you the edge.Shoalzie wroteCOLONAre we talking about claims going directly to me and I handle them? What happens if I want to claim someone?
That would be a decent idea to send things to anonymous account. I almost wish we had a non-owner/GM involved to handle league matters with no team affiliation. I can be trusted to handle a matter and if anything, I would be happy to submit the results of all waiver claims to the CC so at least there would be witnesses.
I do agree with Lee in regards to more transparency with the league. The waiver process is for the most part a good process right now and I don't necessarily think we need to overhaul this entire process but I like the suggestion. I think we should have a column added on CBS for waiver exemption status and have that status reviewed before each season the same way we have salaries updated. Make sure guys who are waiver exempt/eligible don't slip through the cracks and it keeps GMs more accountable of their players it allows the entire league to know their status.