No picks or prospects - no 2 for 1 (at contract limit)
Not looking for back and forth bullshit... let's just get something done.

3...2...1...expiredLeanMachine wroteCOLONChris Butler
add a prospect or a pick and hes yoursMatthew wroteCOLONFerence 4 juicy
his #'s per game are identical to jackman's except he hits signifcantly more and has a lower +/-. He makes less than half of jackman's salary and is 2 years younger. i wouldn't have added personally bro.kimmer wroteCOLONGleason is actually pretty beastly in Carolina lol
He's basically like Polak in H2H. I would def do one of Joki/JWill for like Gleason + 2nd