CAR/LAK - rebuild (dare enter)
CAR/LAK - rebuild (dare enter)
Johnny Gaudreau
Connor Murphy
2016 2nd rounder (BUF)
Tanner Pearson
Sry for all ur efforts mike
Johnny Gaudreau
Connor Murphy
2016 2nd rounder (BUF)
Tanner Pearson
Sry for all ur efforts mike
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- The BBKL Insider
- PostsCOLON 22628
- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 8:46 pm
- LocationCOLON San Juan, Puerto Rico
Re: CAR/LAK - rebuild (dare enter)
Wow. Steve saves Kimmer? wth?
Re: CAR/LAK - rebuild (dare enter)
Pretty much lol
Re: CAR/LAK - rebuild (dare enter)
I will tell u how it happened... Its quite simple tbh...
This morning me: yo gadreau for jarnkrok + 1st car
Steve: no... Jarnkrok is garbage
Me: oh.. Ok then
Steve: get me Pearson today and ill over pay for him
Me: ok...
This morning me: yo gadreau for jarnkrok + 1st car
Steve: no... Jarnkrok is garbage
Me: oh.. Ok then
Steve: get me Pearson today and ill over pay for him
Me: ok...
Re: CAR/LAK - rebuild (dare enter)
I like it better now.
That being said, i'm not a fanboy of Johnny Hockey. But I know some would suck him off
That being said, i'm not a fanboy of Johnny Hockey. But I know some would suck him off
Re: CAR/LAK - rebuild (dare enter)
.... Who saves who nick..... U kidding me.. I work for, and save myself.. This is why i take zero of what any of u guys say seriously since like forever ago... I dont have to explain myself to u as to why i do my deals and how long it will take out of the days hrs to complete the cycle despite empty headed criticisms i get to read which is probably about the hardest part for me to swallow every time i trade a 1st rounder. I work hard all day around the clock and around my work schedule for my deals and i will triumph..and crush u all.
Nick wroteCOLONWow. Steve saves Kimmer? wth?
Re: CAR/LAK - rebuild (dare enter)
Steve doesn't want his butt-buddy to quit over frustration
- Arian The Insider
- PostsCOLON 7304
- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 7:05 pm
Re: CAR/LAK - rebuild (dare enter)
Good deal here but I just don't get why a bottom feeder would give up their 1st every year, that's all.
- The BBKL Insider
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- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 8:46 pm
- LocationCOLON San Juan, Puerto Rico
Re: CAR/LAK - rebuild (dare enter)
I told paul what he said. Janorock sucks. Told him to get pearson

Re: CAR/LAK - rebuild (dare enter)
Arian The Insider wroteCOLONGood deal here but I just don't get why a bottom feeder would give up their 1st every year, that's all.
Because its simply overrated, arian. Tbh how many yrs have u had ur 1st pick and each yr it never ended up becoming 1st overall and drafted with it to success, or have succeeded using those assets near draft time?
Look at teams like dallas or det (sry shoalzie ur kool just an example) from what i witnessed over the years here, holding onto that 1st and drafting with it or selling it near draft to profit still doesnt make u climb out of bottom position. in fact, the rebuild process itself is so slow and energy draining, that look... oh hey pete fuckin quit! LOL...
Hell ive never seen any of the bottom guys in the last 4 yrs make a drastic jump other than luke wpg which is just one team (anton doesnt count... he's actually a real life genius that requires no explanation and he was fucking around with his assets), so i am doing what i feel is different, but still effective to the point where if i know im trading a top 5 pick, get the necessary "immediate upgrade" nhler piece to better ur roster right away. The player that i trade for in question, have been pretty off last yr (gaborik) and he never played more than 20 games for me. This yr im going younger waiver exempt and potential. I do learn every yr from guys like steve and mike u know... Just watching their block... What kinda assets guys like steve and mike and anton want in their team to be flexibly successful? Shit like that and i came to conclusion this yr is that its Waiver exempt young stars to be types.
I have a model of my own but i suppose nobody gives a fuck til i win so ill hold my thoughts
Re: CAR/LAK - rebuild (dare enter)
so since alot of good classic old timrs like kareem mash and shiv left, im gonna do my best to stir shit up around here and need some fuckin activities... I'm gonna piss off all of you sad motherfuckers to the point of making u wanna leave the league so keep flaming me, fuckin assholes
- Arian The Insider
- PostsCOLON 7304
- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 7:05 pm
Re: CAR/LAK - rebuild (dare enter)
I used to trade my 1sts and it didn't get me into the playoffs so I keep them now. Scott kept his pick last year and now he has Ekblad. You're going for younger guys this time which is better than the older guys you targeted in the past. The thing is you can get more for your picks by waiting until the draft. It's also safer since you know exactly where you will pick when the draft rolls around.
In the end it's your team and it's your choice how you run it but I'm just saying
In the end it's your team and it's your choice how you run it but I'm just saying

Re: CAR/LAK - rebuild (dare enter)
You make some very valid points in your post Paul.
It's not always about winning a trade, but doing what you think will make your team better...filling in some missing pieces.
That is the one thing I really hate about this league, is guys feeling the need to say "you got raped". It's very disrespectful and disturbing really.
Anyway, that's my 5 cents (no more pennies here in Canada)
It's not always about winning a trade, but doing what you think will make your team better...filling in some missing pieces.
That is the one thing I really hate about this league, is guys feeling the need to say "you got raped". It's very disrespectful and disturbing really.
Anyway, that's my 5 cents (no more pennies here in Canada)
Re: CAR/LAK - rebuild (dare enter)
Ya dave bro u are my brain and i am ur sword, since i have the rage and intensity to swing my weapon around like i dont give a shit while u understand why i get so upset. I speak for all poor souls that cry at night without a peep once they get shitted on by vultures in here but have no courage to speak out.
- Arian The Insider
- PostsCOLON 7304
- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 7:05 pm
Re: CAR/LAK - rebuild (dare enter)
are you referring to the actual term "rape" or the fact that people say you lost a trade badly in their opinion? if it's the latter then we might as well disallow comments on trades loldave1959 wroteCOLONYou make some very valid points in your post Paul.
It's not always about winning a trade, but doing what you think will make your team better...filling in some missing pieces.
That is the one thing I really hate about this league, is guys feeling the need to say "you got raped". It's very disrespectful and disturbing really.
Anyway, that's my 5 cents (no more pennies here in Canada)
Re: CAR/LAK - rebuild (dare enter)
Well arian, dave is 56 yrs old... He has class. Hes our fathers age. Hes not gonna go around saying shit like fuck ur mom or sister etc
He just doesn't like the one aspect in bbkl that call it 'culture' of the league where guys comments involve severely degrading another persons dignity or respect when in reality that person in question might have been proud of the deal they made
That kinda shit flies within our generation but i guess dave in the end is the outlier in age compared to most of us. I just bet that hes more surprised than not when it came to peoples general behaviour in trade threads
He just doesn't like the one aspect in bbkl that call it 'culture' of the league where guys comments involve severely degrading another persons dignity or respect when in reality that person in question might have been proud of the deal they made
That kinda shit flies within our generation but i guess dave in the end is the outlier in age compared to most of us. I just bet that hes more surprised than not when it came to peoples general behaviour in trade threads
- Arian The Insider
- PostsCOLON 7304
- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 7:05 pm
Re: CAR/LAK - rebuild (dare enter)
You're absolutely right Paul I actually completely forgot about his age. Makes sense now.
Re: CAR/LAK - rebuild (dare enter)
ya and I keep thinking dave is josh's dad... LOL cuz i know he plays some fantasy leagues with his old man but i keep confusing them