Lee wroteCOLONBBKL..Mike wroteCOLONOnce BBKL starts accruing points in late April/May I'll make an offer.
Bryan... Bickell?

Lee wroteCOLONBBKL..Mike wroteCOLONOnce BBKL starts accruing points in late April/May I'll make an offer.
Bryan... Bickell?
ryan ic[k]e[l]lkimmer wroteCOLONI dont understand why any of this is funny. Bryan bickell keepers league? U cud literally substitute any fuckers in nhl with bb as their initials and replace the joke. Am I wrong
Arian The Insider wroteCOLONryan ic[k]e[l]lkimmer wroteCOLONI dont understand why any of this is funny. Bryan bickell keepers league? U cud literally substitute any fuckers in nhl with bb as their initials and replace the joke. Am I wrong