MTL - STL Deal
- PostsCOLON 4954
- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 7:17 pm
MTL - STL Deal
Brent Burns
Rob Klinkhammer
Matt Moulson
Scottie Upshall
Brent Burns
Rob Klinkhammer
Matt Moulson
Scottie Upshall
- The BBKL Insider
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Re: MTL - STL Deal
Without Looking id guess stat wise Chuck comes out ahead with upshall playing well. Personally really like it for Shep though.
Re: MTL - STL Deal
Exactly my sentiments.Bruyns wroteCOLONWithout Looking id guess stat wise Chuck comes out ahead with upshall playing well. Personally really like it for Shep though.
Re: MTL - STL Deal
Like this deal for shep. Moulson likely signs for similar $$$ as Burns this offseason and isn't quite the player. Chuck wins stat wise, especially for this year, so good deal.

- Robin Hood
- PostsCOLON 13589
- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 5:09 pm
Re: MTL - STL Deal
i like all 4 players in this deal.
Re: MTL - STL Deal
Burns = Moulson
Klinks >>>>> whatever chuck ended up with
Klinks >>>>> whatever chuck ended up with
- Robin Hood
- PostsCOLON 13589
- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 5:09 pm
Re: MTL - STL Deal
When Moulson was in NYI maybe. He hasn't been as good in BUF.kimmer wroteCOLONBurns = Moulson

Re: MTL - STL Deal
Agreed. Consistent 30 goal scorers arent common. Burns never actually achieved anything in numbers as a fwd yet. Dunno if moulson will score 30 as a sabre. So thats why i made them equalSuperMario wroteCOLONWhen Moulson was in NYI maybe. He hasn't been as good in BUF.kimmer wroteCOLONBurns = Moulson