johnny Oduya + Douglas Murray
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- The BBKL Insider
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- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 8:46 pm
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Re: johnny Oduya + Douglas Murray
I don't need Dmen ... D+F
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Re: johnny Oduya + Douglas Murray
Big Fun wroteCOLONFlip murray for a forward tony

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Re: johnny Oduya + Douglas Murray
But I don't need players? A team in need might\should jump at this.

- Robin Hood
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Re: johnny Oduya + Douglas Murray
Everyone wants an offer that will solve all their problems at once. Cut cap + add roster players + get younger + land a C for a W + meet all their roster requirements etc. etc. so that it is a neat transfer on the team spreadsheet without the need for secondary trades. If only it was that easy lol.Big Fun wroteCOLONBut I don't need players? A team in need might\should jump at this.
You'll find a good deal for this package. Two good serviceable roster players.

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