Already having to take over for Pekka in various games in the playoffs this season so no need to say it outloud and hurt Pekka's feelings, as he’s already said it himself

Nice startLee wroteCOLON7th overall.
lightupdadarkness wroteCOLONNice startLee wroteCOLON7th overall.
1-1 is still a no thanksLee wroteCOLONlightupdadarkness wroteCOLONNice startLee wroteCOLON7th overall.
Last call, I m on the clock
Disagree. It's a good starting point though.Bruyns wroteCOLONThat was a good offer Lee
I would have taken Dobson at 7.CasperX22 wroteCOLONI'd rather have Saros than anyone that was on the board at 7.
Thanks but no thanks Saros>subbanLee wroteCOLONOffer is still there if you want Kont for Saros.