Looking for a forward.
- The BBKL Insider
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- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 8:46 pm
- LocationCOLON San Juan, Puerto Rico
Looking for a forward.
Looking for a quality forward. With both of Forsberg and Horvat out 6 weeks I could use a decent forward. I will make a few prospects, young forwards or a dman available.
Please list your forward below and if I'm interested I will make an offer. Pking forwards preferred.
Please list your forward below and if I'm interested I will make an offer. Pking forwards preferred.

- The BBKL Insider
- PostsCOLON 22628
- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 8:46 pm
- LocationCOLON San Juan, Puerto Rico
Re: Looking for a forward.
He was already on my short list. We shall be in touch!Da_Hawks wroteCOLONJustin Abdelkader

- The BBKL Insider
- PostsCOLON 22628
- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 8:46 pm
- LocationCOLON San Juan, Puerto Rico
Re: Looking for a forward.
Lots in the minors. I'm just looking for a complete forward.koomzzz wroteCOLONNo one in the minors? Radulov
I will look into Rads and get back to ya!

- The BBKL Insider
- PostsCOLON 22628
- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 8:46 pm
- LocationCOLON San Juan, Puerto Rico
- Arian The Insider
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- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 7:05 pm
Re: Looking for a forward.
This probably gets postedThe BBKL Insider wroteCOLONMadison Boweybills09 wroteCOLONDustin Brown