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Upcoming picks
PostedCOLON Tue Jun 06, 2017 12:52 pm
by lightupdadarkness
Anybody who wants to sell their upcoming picks or picks in general hit me up with offers
Re: Upcoming picks
PostedCOLON Wed Jun 07, 2017 9:16 pm
by lightupdadarkness
lightupdadarkness wroteCOLONAnybody who wants to sell their upcoming picks or picks in general hit me up with offers could be old and grey before you pick if Casper is picking so why not trade them away

Re: Upcoming picks
PostedCOLON Thu Jun 08, 2017 8:07 am
by lightupdadarkness
NYI 3 and 4th next year better draft and looking like high picks plus waiver pick 2nd round have been tossed around just wanna make sure there's not better value before I make anything official
Re: Upcoming picks
PostedCOLON Thu Jun 08, 2017 12:02 pm
by lightupdadarkness
All 2018 picks better draft some potential high ones
3 (NYI), 4 (NYI), 4 (MIN), 5, 5 (NYI), 6, 7. Plus 2 round waiver lookin for 3 upcoming picks
Re: Upcoming picks
PostedCOLON Fri Jun 09, 2017 5:59 am
by lightupdadarkness
lightupdadarkness wroteCOLONAll 2018 picks better draft some potential high ones
3 (NYI), 4 (NYI), 4 (MIN), 5, 5 (NYI), 6, 7. Plus 2 round waiver lookin for 3 upcoming picks
Got my trade chart value chart ready gimmie those picks you don't really want