Looking for a centre before lock.
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Re: Looking for a centre before lock.
Fisher, bellemare, burnistrov
- The BBKL Insider
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Re: Looking for a centre before lock.
we've talked already on one of those guysHandsome&FairMike wroteCOLONFisher, bellemare, burnistrov

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Re: Looking for a centre before lock.
yep, let me know if you want to improve upon your offer 

Re: Looking for a centre before lock.
Me too, please
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Re: Looking for a centre before lock.
2 apples tonight for fisher, guy is having a great year.
- The BBKL Insider
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- The BBKL Insider
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Re: Looking for a centre before lock.
would take a lot longer than lock to work out a deal with you. We may go into the summer if we started talks today.thom54 wroteCOLONNone of my centers.

Re: Looking for a centre before lock.
Kero for Sundqvist + Hobbs
He's been playing 15+ a night averaging over a hit and block a game and PKs.
He's been playing 15+ a night averaging over a hit and block a game and PKs.
- lightupdadarkness
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- The BBKL Insider
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Re: Looking for a centre before lock.
no thanksBruyns wroteCOLONKero for Sundqvist + Hobbs
He's been playing 15+ a night averaging over a hit and block a game and PKs.