MTL - PHI Blockbuster - Hell has frozen over
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- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 7:17 pm
MTL - PHI Blockbuster - Hell has frozen over
Carey Price
Dustin Tokarski
Zachary Fucale
Mike Condon
Joey MacDonald
2015 Waiver (MTL)
Cam Ward
Anton Khudobin
Alex Nedeljkovic
Drew MacIntyre
Pontus Aberg
Jaedon Descheaneau
2015 Waiver (PHI)
2015 1st Round Pick (OTT) - aka. Eichel
Carey Price
Dustin Tokarski
Zachary Fucale
Mike Condon
Joey MacDonald
2015 Waiver (MTL)
Cam Ward
Anton Khudobin
Alex Nedeljkovic
Drew MacIntyre
Pontus Aberg
Jaedon Descheaneau
2015 Waiver (PHI)
2015 1st Round Pick (OTT) - aka. Eichel
Last edited by 1 on Chuck Norris, edited 0 times in total.
- lightupdadarkness
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- The BBKL Insider
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- Robin Hood
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Re: MTL - PHI Blockbuster - Hell has frozen over
Yup. He PMed me for my opinion, didn't take me a second to tell him to do it.The BBKL Insider wroteCOLONI think chuck slams this one home

- Robin Hood
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Re: MTL - PHI Blockbuster - Hell has frozen over
Chuck's team has been built on Goalie trades.
Halak after that playoff run
Schneider for Jumbo
Now this
Halak after that playoff run
Schneider for Jumbo
Now this

Re: MTL - PHI Blockbuster - Hell has frozen over
Some men dream about winning championships.
Others go out and make it happen.
Others go out and make it happen.
Re: MTL - PHI Blockbuster - Hell has frozen over
Haha still some work to do, but that trade with kapg looks better now.Lee wroteCOLONSome men dream about winning championships.
Others go out and make it happen.
- lightupdadarkness
- PostsCOLON 4881
- JoinedCOLON Mon Nov 10, 2014 6:37 pm
Re: MTL - PHI Blockbuster - Hell has frozen over
lol good shit LeeLee wroteCOLONSome men dream about winning championships.
Others go out and make it happen.
Re: MTL - PHI Blockbuster - Hell has frozen over
Yeah, I just feel Price will win me more cats than Eichel.
Re: MTL - PHI Blockbuster - Hell has frozen over
DefinitelyLee wroteCOLONYeah, I just feel Price will win me more cats than Eichel.
Re: MTL - PHI Blockbuster - Hell has frozen over
I think this trade legitimizes Lee as a playoff contender.
Re: MTL - PHI Blockbuster - Hell has frozen over
With the entire cycle included I think Chuck makes out like a bandit here.
Flyers are a team now though for sure. Probably just won a 1st rounder here with his bet.
Flyers are a team now though for sure. Probably just won a 1st rounder here with his bet.

Re: MTL - PHI Blockbuster - Hell has frozen over
With trading the Ott 1st does lee now not receive compensation for the pick always thought this was the case
Re: MTL - PHI Blockbuster - Hell has frozen over
Like for both. Less for Lee as he's in my division.
Re: MTL - PHI Blockbuster - Hell has frozen over
Will cancel the trade if this is the case, but it has already been awarded.bills09 wroteCOLONWith trading the Ott 1st does lee now not receive compensation for the pick always thought this was the case
Re: MTL - PHI Blockbuster - Hell has frozen over
I think that would have had to happen before the CC announcement of his compensation being awarded. I believe the case would have been that if Chuck had acquired this pick now, he wouldn't have been eligible for any additional compensation.bills09 wroteCOLONWith trading the Ott 1st does lee now not receive compensation for the pick always thought this was the case

Re: MTL - PHI Blockbuster - Hell has frozen over
Should be who has it during the lottery anyway.