Put your money where your mouth is then.
2018 2nd if Peluso plays more than 30GP, should be an easy bet if you think he gets 40ish.
CAR #202 for 2017 picks
Re: CAR #202 for 2017 picks
Keeping in the spirit of the thread, let's make it a 7th
Re: CAR #202 for 2017 picks
Not as confident I guess when picks are involved, but sure I'll take a free 7thLee wroteCOLONKeeping in the spirit of the thread, let's make it a 7th

Re: CAR #202 for 2017 picks
No I'm just not wagering a 2nd on a depth NHL player that I apparently can't even get a 7th round pick for 

Re: CAR #202 for 2017 picks
45 post on a 7th round pick.
League activity at a new high?
League activity at a new high?
Re: CAR #202 for 2017 picks
Happens when the CC gangs up to vote in favour of their own members instead of in the best interest of a team they are supposed to be taking care of.
Re: CAR #202 for 2017 picks
If the gm does want peluso he can just trade you a 7th for him.
Re: CAR #202 for 2017 picks
i have an empty bench spot. I do not want Peluso.
Re: CAR #202 for 2017 picks
laughableLee wroteCOLONHappens when the CC gangs up to vote in favour of their own members instead of in the best interest of a team they are supposed to be taking care of.
I don't think the CC is at all a close knit group that looks out for each other. We look out for the league and have our own opinions that often clash.