pretty legit imokimmer wroteCOLONBeauvillier for Backstrom
Studs for Sale
- The BBKL Insider
- PostsCOLON 22628
- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 8:46 pm
- LocationCOLON San Juan, Puerto Rico
Re: Studs for Sale
Nah.The BBKL Insider wroteCOLONpretty legit imokimmer wroteCOLONBeauvillier for Backstrom
Re: Studs for Sale
Nah. Getting blasted by you or Mik in the playoffs is not my idea of competing.hong57 wroteCOLONbut u r still in the playoffs and still can compete
Re: Studs for Sale
I like Kreider, but have no cap space. If you can come up with something let me know.
Re: Studs for Sale
I can take cap for the right deal.Bruyns wroteCOLONI like Kreider, but have no cap space. If you can come up with something let me know.
Re: Studs for Sale
I think Mik definitely has some weaknesses this season. I believe the door for teams in the 4-8 positions in the west is far more open this season than in years past.CasperX22 wroteCOLONNah. Getting blasted by you or Mik in the playoffs is not my idea of competing.hong57 wroteCOLONbut u r still in the playoffs and still can compete
Re: Studs for Sale
Yeah until Miks team wakes up.Matthew wroteCOLONI think Mik definitely has some weaknesses this season. I believe the door for teams in the 4-8 positions in the west is far more open this season than in years past.CasperX22 wroteCOLONNah. Getting blasted by you or Mik in the playoffs is not my idea of competing.hong57 wroteCOLONbut u r still in the playoffs and still can compete
Re: Studs for Sale
agree... I can easily have a first round exit this year... my guys are not doing so well especially the star playersMatthew wroteCOLONI think Mik definitely has some weaknesses this season. I believe the door for teams in the 4-8 positions in the west is far more open this season than in years past.CasperX22 wroteCOLONNah. Getting blasted by you or Mik in the playoffs is not my idea of competing.hong57 wroteCOLONbut u r still in the playoffs and still can compete

#91 - John Tavares