Mr. Islander's 2016 Offseason Block
- The BBKL Insider
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- LocationCOLON San Juan, Puerto Rico
- The BBKL Insider
- PostsCOLON 22628
- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 8:46 pm
- LocationCOLON San Juan, Puerto Rico
Re: Mr. Islander's 2016 Offseason Block
Stop being a pissy American.
Cheer up sunshine. 1 year ago and that's an elite deal for u
Cheer up sunshine. 1 year ago and that's an elite deal for u

Re: Mr. Islander's 2016 Offseason Block
Tony wroteCOLONDainius Zubrus and Shawn Thornton available for late picks.
Still looking to add scoring. Can package for a scoring W or upgrade elsewhere. Brodziak/Gordon/Smith + Koekkoek (or similar) for a scoring W for example.
Re: Mr. Islander's 2016 Offseason Block
Would also consider Dan Girardi for more scoring.

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Re: Mr. Islander's 2016 Offseason Block
Michael Cammalleri
Re: Mr. Islander's 2016 Offseason Block
No thanks. Has he ever played 82 games?
- PostsCOLON 4810
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Re: Mr. Islander's 2016 Offseason Block
This is the year!!Tony wroteCOLONNo thanks. Has he ever played 82 games?

Re: Mr. Islander's 2016 Offseason Block
I'll take koekoek
Sounds like a type of bird
Sounds like a type of bird
Re: Mr. Islander's 2016 Offseason Block
Yep. He knows what time it is.
Re: Mr. Islander's 2016 Offseason Block
I'll trade you nestrasil for him
Re: Mr. Islander's 2016 Offseason Block
Didn't that kid break his back? That scares me - I'll pass.
Re: Mr. Islander's 2016 Offseason Block
Solid offer honestly.KapG wroteCOLONI'll trade you nestrasil for him
Re: Mr. Islander's 2016 Offseason Block
Steen for buff
Same age. Steen scores more buff periphs more. Buff likely does more coke on a boat tho.
Same age. Steen scores more buff periphs more. Buff likely does more coke on a boat tho.
Re: Mr. Islander's 2016 Offseason Block
Not trading Buff. Girardi for Steen maybe.
Re: Mr. Islander's 2016 Offseason Block
Not close for me, thanks.Tony wroteCOLONNot trading Buff. Girardi for Steen maybe.
Re: Mr. Islander's 2016 Offseason Block
Light years away for Buff. Thanks.
- PostsCOLON 4810
- JoinedCOLON Fri Jul 11, 2014 9:41 am
- LocationCOLON Wolfville, NS
Re: Mr. Islander's 2016 Offseason Block
That's just about as fair as fair gets. Hits/Blks/SHTOI for scoring and shots. Same age; similar contract. Girardi likely to maintain his production longer than steen IMO. But hey, to each their own.Tony wroteCOLONGirardi for Steen maybe.
... and I know fair.
Re: Mr. Islander's 2016 Offseason Block
Eh... what are you gonna do. Slow horses and such.