MSP4LYFE wroteCOLONYou are so clueless, I am very close to posting the convo just to demonstrate what a tool you are. The reason the discussion lasted as long as it did is because you strung me along with the implication that a deal would be done if I met your demands, on several occasions you even stated that it was a done deal if I complied, only to back out last second. That is fine though, because so long as I am a general manager in this league you will never touch a player on my team, and I control most of BBKL's top end youth moving forward.KapG wroteCOLONI said no numerous times through the negotiations as well but you wouldn't take no for an answer and kept pushing it.
Let it go.
You are easily one of the worst managers to deal with in this league, and it shows in your lack of trade activity, and overall shitty lineup.
There were two instances where I said yes to you posting it, but each time i said that you could post it, you said no to the deal I proposed at the time...Not my fault you said no intially. It wasn't until I took him completely off the table that you said yes to beach. That was at the very end of our talks.
So I changed my mind 10 minutes after I said something, who the fuck cares. That might happen every now and then when you are trying to get someones fav. player. Shed more tears.