Selling Periph Winger for Picks
Re: Selling Periph Winger for Picks
Tell me about it. And I was the biggest believer. First deal I made in BBKL was trading the prospect Filip Forsberg for the then emerging power poward of the future. Worked out well.hong57 wroteCOLONused to be one of the hottest commodity..

- lightupdadarkness
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Re: Selling Periph Winger for Picks
Hi George McPhee JrFraser wroteCOLONTell me about it. And I was the biggest believer. First deal I made in BBKL was trading the prospect Filip Forsberg for the then emerging power poward of the future. Worked out well.hong57 wroteCOLONused to be one of the hottest commodity..
- Shoalzie
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- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 7:28 pm
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Re: Selling Periph Winger for Picks
If I didn't already have 4 Oilers on my active roster...