Got an interesting offer but would like to make sure it’s best deal for my team first
PM as will be checking back in thanks gents
Kyle Connor
- lightupdadarkness
- PostsCOLON 4881
- JoinedCOLON Mon Nov 10, 2014 6:37 pm
- The BBKL Insider
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- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 8:46 pm
- LocationCOLON San Juan, Puerto Rico
- lightupdadarkness
- PostsCOLON 4881
- JoinedCOLON Mon Nov 10, 2014 6:37 pm
Re: Kyle Connor
Lol whatThe BBKL Insider wroteCOLONConnor + 2nd for Mark Stone
- The BBKL Insider
- PostsCOLON 22628
- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 8:46 pm
- LocationCOLON San Juan, Puerto Rico
- lightupdadarkness
- PostsCOLON 4881
- JoinedCOLON Mon Nov 10, 2014 6:37 pm
Re: Kyle Connor
No thanks I’ll just eat the loss with the 5 less points. Appreciate the offer thoThe BBKL Insider wroteCOLONyou win
- The BBKL Insider
- PostsCOLON 22628
- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 8:46 pm
- LocationCOLON San Juan, Puerto Rico
Re: Kyle Connor
Ok, I'm always open for a chatlightupdadarkness wroteCOLONNo thanks I’ll just eat the loss with the 5 less points. Appreciate the offer thoThe BBKL Insider wroteCOLONyou win