Have a lot of contracts, looking to shed some nice prospects for upcoming pick packages
Eric Cornel ( recent 2nd rounder)
Justin Bailey (recent 2nd rounder)
Ryan Macinnis )recent 2nd rounder)
Morgan Klimchuk ( recent 1st rounder)
1st - 2nd round Prospects for Upcoming picks
Re: 1st - 2nd round Prospects for Upcoming picks
Lee wroteCOLONHave a lot of contracts, looking to shed some nice prospects for upcoming pick packages
Eric Cornel ( recent 2nd rounder)
Justin Bailey (recent 2nd rounder)
Ryan Macinnis )recent 2nd rounder)
Morgan Klimchuk ( recent 1st rounder)
Re: 1st - 2nd round Prospects for Upcoming picks
They would make up half of your organization, and I already traded you the other half.
Re: 1st - 2nd round Prospects for Upcoming picks
In quantity, not quality.Lee wroteCOLONThey would make up half of your organization, and I already traded you the other half.

Re: 1st - 2nd round Prospects for Upcoming picks
Da_Hawks wroteCOLONIn quantity, not quality.Lee wroteCOLONThey would make up half of your organization, and I already traded you the other half.
True. I am not asking for first or even second round picks so I really don't see why you feel the need to shit talk them.