- lightupdadarkness
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Re: Backstrom
Still listening.lightupdadarkness wroteCOLONwhat's it gonna be babygurl
- lightupdadarkness
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- timwebb1212
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Re: Backstrom
Wait till post-expansion when I have assets to move and I'll top this offer.lightupdadarkness wroteCOLONZacha + Stanley + 3rd 2018
- lightupdadarkness
- PostsCOLON 4881
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Re: Backstrom
very doubtful considering y'all don't see eye to eye. I mean just today somehow a deal between y'all got posted that had to be cancelled....loltimwebb1212 wroteCOLONWait till post-expansion when I have assets to move and I'll top this offer.lightupdadarkness wroteCOLONZacha + Stanley + 3rd 2018
- lightupdadarkness
- PostsCOLON 4881
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Re: Backstrom
If he don't go today he ain't never going. My guess is noBruyns wroteCOLONTime to shit or get off the pot
- lightupdadarkness
- PostsCOLON 4881
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Re: Backstrom
It was in ADHL not here but they have a history lolMatthew wroteCOLONOoooh what was it??
- timwebb1212
- PostsCOLON 720
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Re: Backstrom
Kinda irrelevant, no?lightupdadarkness wroteCOLONvery doubtful considering y'all don't see eye to eye. I mean just today somehow a deal between y'all got posted that had to be cancelled....loltimwebb1212 wroteCOLONWait till post-expansion when I have assets to move and I'll top this offer.lightupdadarkness wroteCOLONZacha + Stanley + 3rd 2018
- timwebb1212
- PostsCOLON 720
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Re: Backstrom
I was under the impression he had offered 23rd for 44+47 and said I'd agree to it, he then said it wasn't exactly a final offer and he wanted to wait and see other options, so I went ahead and just came to a deal with BOS for the 22nd pick instead.Matthew wroteCOLONOoooh what was it??
- Arian The Insider
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- lightupdadarkness
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Re: Backstrom
No not really. If y'all can't get a deal done there how are you going to here? BBKL is a totally different animaltimwebb1212 wroteCOLONKinda irrelevant, no?lightupdadarkness wroteCOLONvery doubtful considering y'all don't see eye to eye. I mean just today somehow a deal between y'all got posted that had to be cancelled....loltimwebb1212 wroteCOLONWait till post-expansion when I have assets to move and I'll top this offer.lightupdadarkness wroteCOLONZacha + Stanley + 3rd 2018
- lightupdadarkness
- PostsCOLON 4881
- JoinedCOLON Mon Nov 10, 2014 6:37 pm
Re: Backstrom
Arian The Insider wroteCOLONBabygurl

Re: Backstrom
Thought long and hard about this. Zacha+Stanley+28oa and you can post. Otherwise, close block and Backstrom likely stays in Colorado for the foreseeable future.lightupdadarkness wroteCOLONZacha + Stanley + 3rd 2018
- The BBKL Insider
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- LocationCOLON San Juan, Puerto Rico
Re: Backstrom
This is probably what I'd be asking for. I think it's rather bang-on, in terms of value.CasperX22 wroteCOLONThought long and hard about this. Zacha+Stanley+28oa and you can post. Otherwise, close block and Backstrom likely stays in Colorado for the foreseeable future.lightupdadarkness wroteCOLONZacha + Stanley + 3rd 2018