Chris Kelly
Chris Kelly
I have a pending deal that will make Kelly or Kero expendable and I'd rather trade Kelly then send Kero to the minors.
100th ranked C so a solid 4C, 9th for SHTOI for Cs with 141min so that's his main contribution but will chip in a hit a shot and a few FOW per game too.
Looking for futures
100th ranked C so a solid 4C, 9th for SHTOI for Cs with 141min so that's his main contribution but will chip in a hit a shot and a few FOW per game too.
Looking for futures
Re: Chris Kelly
3rd rounder? Good for GP for some teams who could be close and is eligible to be exposed for expansion.
Re: Chris Kelly
Is he?Bruyns wroteCOLON3rd rounder? Good for GP for some teams who could be close and is eligible to be exposed for expansion.
Re: Chris Kelly
yes, meets the GP requirement and we have said UFA doesn't matter since we own the player regardless. If he were to retire before expansion he wouldn't but I've heard nothing to suggest he wants to retire.
Re: Chris Kelly
Ah, I thought players of a certain age with no contract wouldn't be eligible...example being my own Steve ott.
- PostsCOLON 4043
- JoinedCOLON Sun Nov 06, 2011 5:09 pm
Re: Chris Kelly
Isn't this something that should be discussed/disseminated so teams know how to prepare?

Re: Chris Kelly
Don't remember seeing that in the CC forums and no reason Thornton, Marleau, Miller, Sharp, Markov, Kunitz, Fisher etc shouldn't be eligible. Steve Ott is only 34 too, I don't see why he couldn't count unless I missed something in a CC thread.
Re: Chris Kelly
It's been discussed and my understanding was they have to meet the GP requirement, if Tim is worried about the contract status I'm sure he will have another option to take since teams must expose 2F and 1 D that met GP requirements and most teams will have more then that available considering guys with 2 AHL seasons will be exposed too so if a rebuilding team's 2F and 1D are older guys they might possibly lose a prospect who hasn't made the jump yet.Sensfanjosh wroteCOLONIsn't this something that should be discussed/disseminated so teams know how to prepare?
- PostsCOLON 4043
- JoinedCOLON Sun Nov 06, 2011 5:09 pm
Re: Chris Kelly
I understand that, and thought we were just going by capfriendly rules excluding the free agency stuff, all I was saying was if there's more rules about exposure it might be a good idea to let the league know

Re: Chris Kelly
that's what I thought as well but don't count on me, I'm always be behind with this expansion thingSensfanjosh wroteCOLONI understand that, and thought we were just going by capfriendly rules excluding the free agency stuff
Re: Chris Kelly
I made a post already saying we are following Cap Friendly for eligibility barring another source coming out like an official NHL list and are honouring the GP limits but not UFAs. We can't make UFAs exempt since that is a big advantage to teams that own say a Shattenkirk for example that get to keep him without using a spot to protect him. If you own Shattenkirk it doesn't matter if he is UFA since you own him not matter the team he is on next year.
Re: Chris Kelly
To use my team as an example I have to protect Markov, Fisher and Polak if I want to keep them I shouldn't just automatically get to keep them and have them be exempt which also shrinks the pool of players available to Tim since IRL Vegas will have a chance to sign Markov, Fisher and Polak as UFAs.
Re: Chris Kelly
I don't think anyone is arguing about the free agency thing?Bruyns wroteCOLONI made a post already saying we are following Cap Friendly for eligibility barring another source coming out like an official NHL list and are honouring the GP limits but not UFAs. We can't make UFAs exempt since that is a big advantage to teams that own say a Shattenkirk for example that get to keep him without using a spot to protect him. If you own Shattenkirk it doesn't matter if he is UFA since you own him not matter the team he is on next year.
I mean, by what Josh is saying I got the impression there is also an age thing on capfriendly that we would deal differently with?
- PostsCOLON 4043
- JoinedCOLON Sun Nov 06, 2011 5:09 pm
Re: Chris Kelly
I'm just asking about Matthew's comments I guess, not that it has anything to do with him in particular, but if there are more rules, which Matthew seems to be suggesting, then this would be something that I think we should be transparent about as a league.

Re: Chris Kelly
That's the understanding i have as well Matt, you have to protect every non-exempt player that you want to keep. UFA/RFA we don't have, so they are eligible.Bruyns wroteCOLONTo use my team as an example I have to protect Markov, Fisher and Polak if I want to keep them I shouldn't just automatically get to keep them and have them be exempt which also shrinks the pool of players available to Tim since IRL Vegas will have a chance to sign Markov, Fisher and Polak as UFAs.
Re: Chris Kelly
no age thing on cap friendly, but UFAs do add a wrinkle to our league since a player like Shattenkirk should be protected, but who cares about a player like Ribeiro who likely can't get a job next year. There are more valuable UFAs then Ribeiros that fit the GP eligibility, but I have brought it up again in CC to discuss.