Wiley Vets for sale
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Wiley Vets for sale
Looking for picks (1sts preferred), solid prospects, young nhlers.
Mike Fisher - looks to be back into all around stud form. PPTOI and SHTOI. just names captain of the preds so likely a few more solid years to be had.
Dustin brown - hits, shots, shtoi and a good start to the year with pts. Seeing PPTOI with a shitty LAK team.
Michael Cammaleri - scoring and shots from this guy playing on a potent PP unit that has yet to really take off.
Andy Greene - SHTOI and blks. Solid start to the season.
Dan Hamhuis - nice all around stats playing top unit with klingberg.
Teddy Purcell - shit start to the year, battling for ice time but should turn it around with proven track record of 30-40 pts/year.
Mike Fisher - looks to be back into all around stud form. PPTOI and SHTOI. just names captain of the preds so likely a few more solid years to be had.
Dustin brown - hits, shots, shtoi and a good start to the year with pts. Seeing PPTOI with a shitty LAK team.
Michael Cammaleri - scoring and shots from this guy playing on a potent PP unit that has yet to really take off.
Andy Greene - SHTOI and blks. Solid start to the season.
Dan Hamhuis - nice all around stats playing top unit with klingberg.
Teddy Purcell - shit start to the year, battling for ice time but should turn it around with proven track record of 30-40 pts/year.
Re: Wiley Vets for sale
I have ANA 2nd that I'd move. Maybe a prospect with it.
Re: Wiley Vets for sale
Love Greene... dat cap hit tho
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- JoinedCOLON Fri Jul 11, 2014 9:41 am
- LocationCOLON Wolfville, NS
Re: Wiley Vets for sale
Who ya want?Lee wroteCOLONI have ANA 2nd that I'd move. Maybe a prospect with it.
- PostsCOLON 4810
- JoinedCOLON Fri Jul 11, 2014 9:41 am
- LocationCOLON Wolfville, NS
Re: Wiley Vets for sale
No thanks tony. Different player with similar deal may get Greene.Tony wroteCOLONGunnarsson + 2nd for Greene
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Re: Wiley Vets for sale
Holla atcha boy
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- JoinedCOLON Fri Jul 11, 2014 9:41 am
- LocationCOLON Wolfville, NS
Re: Wiley Vets for sale
Sunday night bump
- PostsCOLON 4810
- JoinedCOLON Fri Jul 11, 2014 9:41 am
- LocationCOLON Wolfville, NS
Re: Wiley Vets for sale
One more bump!Handsome&FairMike wroteCOLONLooking for picks (1sts preferred), solid prospects, young nhlers.
Mike Fisher - looks to be back into all around stud form. PPTOI and SHTOI. just names captain of the preds so likely a few more solid years to be had.
Dustin brown - hits, shots, shtoi and a good start to the year with pts. Seeing PPTOI with a shitty LAK team.
Michael Cammaleri - scoring and shots from this guy playing on a potent PP unit that has yet to really take off.
Andy Greene - SHTOI and blks. Solid start to the season.
Dan Hamhuis - nice all around stats playing top unit with klingberg.
Teddy Purcell - shit start to the year, battling for ice time but should turn it around with proven track record of 30-40 pts/year.
Re: Wiley Vets for sale
no bumping in the morning allowed