Kimmer remove me from your banned list!!!
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Re: Coyle + Nelson
don't like marchand. Doesn't fit with what I want. I'll say no to a deal if it's not congruent with my target.
- The BBKL Insider
- PostsCOLON 22628
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- LocationCOLON San Juan, Puerto Rico
Re: Coyle + Nelson
"Doesn't fit with what i want" - id assume u want to continue losing?thom54 wroteCOLONdon't like marchand. Doesn't fit with what I want. I'll say no to a deal if it's not congruent with my target.

Re: Kimmer remove me from your banned list!!!
thom54 wroteCOLONSunday Boredom
Charlie Coyle
For Winger (big cap hit is fine) + 1st +2nd+ sugar.
Re: Kimmer remove me from your banned list!!!
it gave me a scare.. i read as kimmer removed as GM

#91 - John Tavares